鄭淑惠Cheng, Shu-Hui詹萱俞Chan, Hsuan-Yu2020-12-142020-07-252020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007004105%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110205本研究旨在了解全國的特教學校校長的學習領導與學校創新經營的現況與關係,探討不同背景變項之特教學校教師在校長學習領導與學校創新經營知覺上的差異情形、並分析特教學校學校校長學習領導對學校創新經營之預測情形。本研究採用量化研究問卷調查法,以自編「特教學校校長學習領導與校創新經營之調查問卷」為研究工具,研究對象為全國特教學校之教師,總計發出問卷 660 份問卷,有效樣本為 606 份,有效問卷回收率91.81%。將其問卷調查內容所得之資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關與多元迴歸分析進行統計分析,其研究結果如下: 一、特教學校教師知覺校長學習領導與學校創新經營之現況屬中高認同程度 二、教師知覺校長學習領導的程度,在現任職務、服務年資、學校規模與 學校校齡等背景變項,具有顯著差異。 三、教師知覺學校創新經營的程度,在服務年資、學校規模與學校校齡等背景變項,具有顯著差異。 四、特教學校校長學習領導整體構面與學校創新經營整體構面具高度正相關。 五、特教學校校長學習領導對於學校創新經營具高度預測力。The study aimed to explore the current implementation and the relationship between special education school principals of their leadership for learning and school innovation management in Taiwan. The method of the research was questionnaire survey to explore the different perception of teachers toward principals' leadership for learning and school innovation management in different individual and environmental variables, and to analyze the prediction of principals’ leadership for learning on school innovation management. The research used “Questionnaire of the Relationship between the Principals’ Leadership for Learning and School Innovation Management of Special Education school ” to collect data. The participants in the study were 660 teachers of special education school in Taiwan. There were 606 valid questionnaires that were used in the analysis and the usable rate of the questionnaire was 91.81%. The data ware analyzed by using statistical methods, including descriptive statistic, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regressions. The results of this research are as the following: 1.Special education school teachers’ perception of principals’ leadership for learning and school innovation management are above the average. 2.The special education school teachers of different current positions , in-service years, school size sand school ages show significant differences on teachers’ perception of principal’s leadership for learning. 3.The special education school teachers of different in-service years, school sizes and school ages show significant differences on teachers’ perception of school innovation management. 4.There is a positive and significant correlation between principals’ leadership for learning and school innovation management. 5.Special education school principals’ leadership for learning can highly predict school innovation management.特教學校校長學習領導學校創新經營principals’ leadership for learningschool innovation managementspecial education school特教學校校長學習領導與學校創新經營關係之研究A Study on the Relationship between Principals’ Leadership for Learning and School Innovation Management of Special Education Schools