李思賢Lee, Tony Szu-Hsien楊凡靚Yang, Fan-Ching2023-12-082023-08-062023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c23a394094b03797bb8a09ae9d1825a1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119183本篇研究目的在於了解台灣地區三級警戒期間金融業從業人員居家辦公型態,了解不同背景變項與韌性、心理健康(憂鬱、焦慮與壓力)、生活滿意度之影響。並探討以韌性及心理健康(憂鬱、焦慮與壓力)是否作為自覺健康狀態與台灣三級警戒期間生活滿意度之中介因子。本研究採匿名且透過網路方式進行問卷調查,蒐集資料時間為2021年8月5日至2021年8月31日截止,研究對象為金融從業人員,包含金融業、保險業、銀行業、證券業等工作者,採取滾雪球式方式蒐集,策略是透過社交媒體如FACEBOOK、LINE等發送邀請給金融業受測者,受測者填寫問卷前皆了解研究目的及同意填寫問卷後開始作答,2021年8月5日至2021年8月31日期間共回收446份問卷,其中有效問卷共439份。本研究採用R進行SEM,檢視韌性與心理健康在自覺健康狀態與三級警戒期間生活滿意度的中介效果。研究結果顯示:自覺健康狀態影響三級警戒期間生活滿意度;韌性、心理狀態(憂鬱、焦慮及壓力)分別在自覺健康狀態與三級警戒期間生活滿意度之間,存在部分中介作用。研究結論:除了提升自覺健康狀態外,增加個人韌性程度及減少憂鬱、焦慮及壓力,皆可增加對於三級警戒期間之生活滿意度。建議未來可研究如何提升生活滿意度,並同時可以研擬如何增強韌性及心理健康狀態。Objective: The purpose of this study is to understand the work-from-home patterns of workers in the financial industry during the COVID-19 Nationwide Level 3 alert in Taiwan, and to understand the association of different socio-demographic variables with individual resilience, mental health (such as incidence and severity of depression, anxiety, and stress), and life satisfaction. The study also aimed to explore if individual resilience and mental health (such as incidence and severity of depression, anxiety, and stress) are mediators between self-perceived health status and life satisfaction during the Level-3 alert period.Methods: This study was conducted anonymously through online questionnaire, and data collection was performed from August 5, 2021 to August 31, 2021. Participants were workers in the financial industry, including those in the financial market, insurance industry, banking industry, and securities industry. The study utilized snowball sampling method as the recruitment strategy, and the questionnaires were sent out to the participants through social media such as FACEBOOK and LINE. Participants were asked to understand the purpose of the study and to give consent to answering before filling out the questionnaire. A total of 446 questionnaires were collected from August 5 to August 31, 2021, of which 439 questionnaires were valid. Structural equation modeling by R statistical programing was used to examine the mediating effects of individual resilience and mental health between self-perceived health state and life satisfaction during the Level-3 alert period.Results: Self-perceived health status was an independent variable that directly affected life satisfaction during the Nationwide Level 3 alert period. Individual resilience and mental state (such as incidence and severity of depression, anxiety, and stress) were mediator variables between self-perceived health status and life satisfaction during the Level 3 alert period.Conclusion: In addition to improving self-perceived health status, increasing individual resilience and reducing sources of depression, anxiety and stress were able to increase life satisfaction during situations such as Nationwide Level 3 alert. Ways to improve life satisfaction, enhance individual resilience and mental health should be further studied and explored in the future.焦慮憂鬱壓力生活滿意度韌性anxietydepressionlife satisfactionresiliencestress心理健康與韌性作為自覺身體健康狀態與生活滿意度的中介作用-以台灣COVID-19三級警戒時金融業為例Mental Health and Resilience as Mediators of Self-perceived Health Status and Life Satisfaction: Findings from Taiwan's Financial Industry During the COVID-19 Nationwide Level 3 Alertetd