陳純音Chen, Chun-Yin Doris陳俐穎Chen, Li-Ying2019-09-032018-07-312019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060421046L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97472本研究旨在探討以中文為母語的臺灣大學生和以英文為母語的在台外國學生在中文及英文的請求語言表現。本研究有別於單向母語研究,探討受試者在母語及第二語言的請求行為的雙向表現,並分析影響請求行為的三大因素:社會地位、社會距離、以及事件負擔程度。總共有十二位的臺灣大學生及十二位英美語人士參加本研究的兩項測驗:中文版和英文版的口說言談情境填充。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 在中文的請求行為表現中,英文母語者與中文母語人士的使用仍大不,但在英文請求行為表現中,中文母語者的表現已相當接近英文母語人士。 二、 中文母語人士在其母語(中文)及第二語言(英文)的請求策略的使用表現相近,但是英文母語人士在其母語(英文)及第二語言(中文)的表現差異極明顯。 三、 三大影響請求策略因素中,社會距離影響中文請求策略比社會地位和事件負擔程度來得大。 四、 三大影響請求策略因素中,三個因素影響英文請求策略之程度相當。 五、 在中英文請求合併策略的使用上,不論是中文母語人士或英文母語人士都傾向使用情態策略和預備策略與其他策略合併。合併策略中兩組受試者在中文和英文的請求行為中最常使用的合併組合是預備策略+預備策略。 關鍵詞:第二語言習得、言語行為、請求、社會地位、社會距離、負擔程度The present study investigated the use of strategies by Taiwanese college students and English-speaking students in Taiwan in making Chinese and English request. Three factors affecting the subjects’ use of request strategies were examined: social power, social distance, and the degree of imposition. Different from previous research, the present study examined the subjects’ request behavior in their native and non-native languages. A total of twelve students from Taiwanese college students and twelve English-speaking students were recruited to complete two versions (i.e., Chinese and English) of an oral discourse completion task (ODCT). The major findings are summarized, as follows: 1. In making Chinese request, the English subjects performed quite differently from the Chinese native speakers. However, the Chinese subjects and English native speakers employed strategies similarly in making English request. 2. The Chinese group showed a similar tendency of using request strategies in their native (Chinese) and non-native language (English), while the English group differed greatly in Chinese and English request. 3. With regard to the three factors affecting the use of request strategies, social distance was found more influential than social power and the degree of imposition in making Chinese request. 4. The influence of the three factors was on a similar scale in the use of English request strategies. 5. Regarding the use of combined strategies, both groups of subjects tended to combine MOOD and PREP with other strategies. Both NSC and NSE also used Type J (PREP plus PREP) the most frequently in Chinese and English. Keywords: second language acquisition, speech act, request, social power, social distance, the degree of imposition第二語言習得言語行為請求社會地位社會距離負擔程度second language acquisitionspeech actrequestsocial powersocial distancethe degree of imposition中英文對於請求策略的言語行為之雙向研究A Bi-directional Study of Request Strategies in Chinese and English