Min-Hsun Chiang2014-10-272014-10-272007-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12730為了解虛擬文學討論圈在培養正面閱讀態度、提升英語閱讀能力上的成效,本研究採質量並行的方法,針對54位大一學生進行研究。以融合的方式,虛擬文學討論圈成為為期一年大一英文的課堂活動之一。研究結果發現多數參與的學生肯定虛擬文學討論圈是一種有趣的上課方式,並有助於提升英語能力。多重資料分析結果顯示經過一年實施融合虛擬文學討論圈於大一英文課程,參與學生的英語能力及英語閱讀能力都有進步,然而閱讀態度並無改變。虛擬文學討論圈有助於培養正面閱讀態度。虛擬文學討論圈所提供的同儕互動機會,不但讓同儕間彼此仿效閱讀行為,同儕之間還可互為聽眾分享閱讀心得。然而,參與研究的大一學生表示缺乏及時的溝通,以及語言的障礙,讓他們無法充分利用虛擬文學討論圈的討論。有鑑於此,混合式的文學討論圈或可截長補短,讓學生有機會體驗課堂實境和虛擬文學討論圈的優點。純粹將虛擬文學討論圈設置於網路並不能保證學生能很快進入狀況、充分討論;為了讓學生能充分參與,實際的示範,語言上的輔助以及每一位參與者的責任規範,都是實施虛擬文學討論圈時需要考量的重要因素。To investigate the effects of virtual literature circle (VLC) on cultivating positive reading attitudes and enhancing general English proficiency and reading comprehension, a mixed-method study was conducted with 54 college students studying English as a foreign language. Analyses of multiple data sources revealed that during this year-long VLC-integrated English course, participants' English reading comprehension and general English proficiency have improved whereas their reading attitudes remained unchanged. VLCs could be an effective means to cultivate positive reading attitudes. Peer interactions within the VLCs not only help students see their peers reading but also provide audience with meaningful reading. Nevertheless, the lack of simultaneous communication and the language barrier were cited by the participants as the primary hindrance for them to benefit fully from VLCs. Merely hosting LCs online does not warrant the successful transfer of literary discussion from the face-to-face to the computer-mediated interaction. To bridge the gap between the face-to-face and the computer-mediated literary discussion, concrete modeling, linguistic support, and individual accountability for VLCs seem important.文學討論圈虛擬文學討論圈電腦輔助語言學習literature circlevirtual literature circlecomputer-enhanced language learningA Novel Idea融合虛擬文學討論圈於英語閱讀