國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所;國立臺灣師範大學教育與心理輔導學系張國恩宋曜廷2014-10-302014-10-302005-11-04http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34528本計畫主要的目的為發展摘要寫作評量系統。評量方式主要參考「潛在語意分析」的技術,從教材及學生的摘要作品中,找出關鍵詞做為評量的依據。在應用潛在語意分析時我們採用關鍵詞向量的比對,比對指標考慮到向量間的COS、Entropy、向量長度等參數來計算文件的相似程度。The proposal aims to develop an evaluation system for summarization. LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis) approach is used in the evaluation. LSA first finds keywords from teaching materials and student's summarization, and forms two keyword vectors. Based on the two keyword-vectors, LSA can calculate the similarity between them. The similarity index used in LSA may be COS, entropy, vector length and their combinations. In addition, the formula of summary efficiency is also considered in the evaluation.LSASummary efficiencyReading assessment網路適性閱讀環境的建立與應用---子計畫五:潛在語意分析及概念構圖在文章摘要和理解評量的應用(III)Application of Latent Semantic Analysis and Concept Mapping on Evaluation of Text Summarization and Reading Comprehension (III)