呂木琳黃城Mu-Lin LuChen Huang邱維誠Wei-Cheng Chiou2019-08-282012-2-202019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0894100046%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85734臺灣中等以下學校師資培育制度的發展,歷經戒嚴和解嚴時期,並分別落在威權和民主兩種政治體制上,其發展有著明顯的差異。在戒嚴後期,雖有師範教育法在運作,惟因政治、經濟的快速發展,師範教育已逐步朝民主化、自由化在推動;而解嚴後,很長一段時間仍然處在師範教育階段,卻並未進入民主政治體制真正多元化、自由化的師資培育運作。 整體而言,解嚴之前,政治導向凌駕於市場機制的運作,並賦予師資培育在政治意識上無限的空間與機會。解嚴之後,從1994年公布師資培育法以來,一個開放培育的政策,初期如百花怒放般熱鬧登場,運作十餘年來,現階段已碰到瓶頸,政府除在培育數量上減量經營之外,並還沒有提出較具突破性的解決方案來因應。 本研究從師資培育政策與制度變遷歷史的分析,並透過影響師資培育發展的相關理論與觀點探討,發現臺灣師資培育政策與制度在政治、經濟上的互動關係,並從上述關係中,建構師資培育的模式,包括現行制度的局部改造、專業取向模式的建構、學歷取向模式的建構。The development of teacher education system for senior high school level or below has been passed through the martial law era and the repeal of the martial law period, and it had significant differences under authoritarian and democratic political regimes. By the influences of the rapid developments of politics and economy, normal education was gradually democratized and liberalized even under the implementing of Normal Education Law in the late period of martial law era. After repeal of martial law, the teacher education did not transit to true diversified and liberalized operation immediately since the Normal Education Law were still working. Before repeal of the martial law, the political interference surpassed market mechanism operation, and offered infinite space and opportunity for forming political consciousness in teacher education. After repeal of the martial law and the announcement of the Teacher Education Law in 1994, an opening teacher education policy flourished at beginning period. After running for more than ten years, the teacher education policy had faced the bottleneck now. The government had not proposed any breakthrough solution except decreasing the teacher education quantity. The purposes of this study are to analyze the historical changes of the teacher education policies and systems, and by the discussing of the related theories and viewpoints of teacher education, this study discovered that Taiwan teacher education policies and systems are related to political and economical environment. According to above relatedness, this study tried to construct the teacher education pattern, including present system's partial transformation, specialized orientation pattern construction, diploma orientation pattern construction.戒嚴師資培育教育政策政治經濟學國家發展martial lawteacher educationeducation policypolitical economynational development臺灣師資培育政策的政治經濟分析(1945-2011)The Political Economy of Teacher Education Policies in Taiwan(1945-2011)