王麗雲王譽書2019-08-282015-7-202019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0598003123%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89977零體罰政策於民國95年12月12日通過實施,自此,往昔中小學教師可憑教學專業所裁量之管教措施,則被法令一分為二,若非合法管教,即為違法體罰。政策立法已達近6年之久,關於「體罰」及「零體罰」之相關研究多著重在教師對政策的認知度、支持度及政策實施成效的調查為主,少有系統化通盤檢視政策內涵─相關規定、教師認知、行動取向、動員力量及政策導致的政治效果之研究。近年媒體報導教師不當管教之爭議案例時,一旦消息見報,校方及教師則承受「教師是否具備專業管教能力」的莫大關注壓力。輿論關切了「是否造成體罰事實」、「老師體罰的動機與方式」,甚至於後續追蹤的「教師懲處」部分,卻鮮少有人深入探討:零體罰政策是否改變了第一線教學現場的管教品質與效能?教學現場因零體罰政策而產生哪些過往未曾所聞的實務問題?教師面對禁止體罰後的管教生態,究竟依循與持有多少合法的資源來因應被政策改變的教育環境? 本研究以AERA理事長Lorraine M.McDonnell於2009年教育研究學會年會中發表之演說:《重新定義在教育知識圈內的政治》中所提出的政策之政治效果反饋模式之觀點,進行四所國民中學校園零體罰政策之政治效果探究,發現教師對政策的詮釋效果,形成自個人過往教學經驗與社區管教共識的交互作用,而又依身分不同而有不同的政治角色學習類別:學務人員區分為「政策宣導型」、「認命服從型」及「過客心態型」;一般教師則可區分為接受政策的「認同型」、「被動型」、「恐慌型」教師,及抗拒政策的「經驗型」、「責任型」教師。其次,不同類型的學務人員及教師以不同心態詮釋政策後,再依是否實施政策的選擇來區分為不同行動取向的行動者:學務人員分為「奉公守法,步步為營」及「上有政策,下有對策」兩類型;一般教師則區分為「實踐取向」、「自保取向」、「棄守取向」及「自主取向」等四種類型,並依照不同的行動取向而動員不同的相關資源與社會力量協助管教。 最後,不同行動者反饋至政策產生四所國民中學實施零體罰政策的政治效果:基層教師有人更精進管教知能,但也有人選擇將管教權繳械;不斷惡性循環的管教無效問題,消磨基層教師的教育信念,使教師們有意識的被零體罰政策與大環境異化,撤守管教;學務人員年年鬧空城,校園管教生態極其不穩定;管教結構中的利害關係人則處於互不信任的弔詭機制中,加深基層教師的異化現象。Zero corporal punishment policy was passed and implemented in December 12, 2006. Since then, discipline measures that could be judged by elementary/junior high school teachers with their teaching expertise in the past have been divided into two dimensions; that is, they become either legal disciplines or illegal corporal punishment. This policy has been legislated for six years; however, most related studies on “corporal punishment” and “zero corporal punishment” have focused on survey of teachers’ cognition, support, and implementation effects of the policy. Researchers seldom examine the content of policy with systematic survey—such as studies on relative regulations, teachers’ cognition, action orientation, mobilization power, and political effects resulted from policy. In recent years, the media reported cases of teacher’s inappropriate ferule. Once the news appeared in the newspapers, both the school and the teacher had to endure incredible pressures and attention caused by the concern that “whether the teacher has the professional ability of disciplining students.” The public concerned “whether the case has led to the fact of corporal punishment” and “the teacher’s motivation and method of corporal punishment.” They even tracked “the punishment for the teacher,” while people rarely further discussed: whether zero corporal punishment policy has changed the ferule quality and teaching performance of the frontline teaching scene? What kind of unheard disputes in the past are resulted from zero corporal punishment policy? Facing the ferule ecology after the policy of forbidding corporal punishment, how much legal resources can be utilized to cope with the educational environment changed by such policies? This research is based on the speech,"Politics in education's circle of knowledge," of AERA director Lorraine M.McDonnell in AERA Annual Meeting, in which the political effect of policy feedback perspective was proposed. According to the perspective, this study discusses the political effect of zero corporal punishment policy in campus in four junior high schools . The results show that teachers’ interpretive effect of policy forms the interaction between personal teaching experience and community’s consensus on ferule. In addition, different identities result in different political role-learning categories: Administrators are classified into “Policy Promotion Type,” “Earnest Obedience Type,” and “Passer-by Type”; the general teachers who accept the policy can be categorized into “Identified Type,” “Passive Type,” and “Frightened Type”; as for teachers who resist the policy, they can be divided into “Experience Type” and “Responsibility Type”. Different types of administrators and teachers interpret the policy with different attitudes, so they are classified into actors with different action orientations by whether they carry out the policy: the administrators are categorized into two types—those who are “Loyal, lawful, and careful; at every step,” and those who have “different reactive ways to different policies”; general teachers are divided into four types—“practice orientation,” “self-protection orientation,” “task-abandonment orientation,” and “autonomy tendency.” Various resources and social power are mobilized to assist administrators and teachers with diverse action orientations for disciplining the students. Finally, different actors with feedback to policy result in the political effects of zero corporal punishment policy put into practice in four junior high schools: some basic-level teachers further improve their knowledge and ability of ferule, while some choose to give up their right to do so. Ceaseless vicious cycle of ineffective ferule disputes has worn out basic-level teachers’ educational belief. Teachers have been alienated by zero corporal punishment policy and the surrounding consciously and therefore have surrendered in disciplining their students. There are insufficient school administrators every year. Campus ferule ecology becomes extremely unstable. The interested people in ferule structure are situated in the paradoxical mechanism, not trusting one another, which worsen the alienation phenomena among basic-level teachers.零體罰政策政治效果zero corporal punishment policythe political effect零體罰政策政治效果之探究─以四所國民中學為例Research on the Political Effects of Zero Corporal Punishment Policy—Take Four Junior High Schools