姚清發Ching-Fa Yao張志成Chih-Cheng Chang2019-09-042017-6-202019-09-042012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597421101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/100317 「自然與生活科技」是國民中學重要學習領域之一,也是基測及聯測的測驗科目之一。本研究以內容分析法分析九年一貫課程第四學習階段各版本自然與生活科技教科書中能力指標呈現的情形,並探討國民中學學生基本學力測驗、北北基聯測中自然科試題與能力指標的對應關係,以及探討受測學生對於各能力指標的答對情形。 研究結果顯示,各項能力指標在教科書中呈現的比率有顯著差異。若以個別版本教科書來比較,也顯示能力指標在各版本教科書間的分布比率並不相同。每個版本均對「過程技能」、「科學與技術認知」、「科學與技術本質」、「科學應用」最為重視,但「設計與製作」佔各版本教科書能力指標之比率明顯有偏低的情況。 歷年基測、聯測試題中「科學與技術認知類目能力指標」呈現比率相當一致,無顯著差異。且歷年基測、聯測試題中,對應到生物、物理、化學、地球科學四個範圍的比率也相當一致,無顯著差異。但因基測、聯測試題缺少生活科技範圍的部分,所以和教科書呈現能力指標的交叉分析結果顯示出有非常顯著的差異。同時也顯示不同的範圍分別以不同的程度對特定的能力指標有選擇性。 整體而言,歷年自然科基測、聯測試題,男生每次平均答對率均高於女生每次平均答對率,所以可以預料歷年全部試題答對率的平均明顯男生高於女生。但對生物、物理、化學、地球科學四個範圍而言,男女生答對率差異的情形有所不同。“Science and Technology”, in addition to being one of the important learning fields for Junior High School Students, is one of the examination subjects in National/Regional Basic Competence (BCT) for entering the Senior High Schools. The study aimed at analysis of phase IV of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Competence Indicators in each version of Science and Technology textbooks, the correlations and differences between the items of BCT(2005~2011) and Competence Indicators in the topic of Science and Technology. Focusing on the comparison between male and female students’average correct rates of the question items, the study also investigated this concerning “Science and Technology” examination in BCT. Study results showed that the rates of Competence Indicators in the textbooks are quite different. And the differencies vary according to the different versions of textbooks. But study results showed that both the rates of Competence Indicators and the questions items of the different topic region of “Science and Technology” in BCT are not fluctuant during all these years. Overall, for all the “Science and Technology” examinations in BCT, Male students are superior than female students in the average correct rates. But, the situation in each topic regions of “Science and Technology” learning area are quite different.自然與生活科技能力指標教科書基本學力測驗Science and TechnologyCompetence Indicatortextbookthe Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students九年一貫課程自然科能力指標與教科書暨國中基測、北北基聯測試題之相關研究Content Analysis of the Competence Indicators - Grade 1-9 Science and Technology textbooks and the National/Regional Basic Competence Test in Natural Science for junior high school students.