王友俊林孟德2020-12-102006-7-252020-12-102006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692600161%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115212「意象構成」是由許多圖像或符號所組合而成的構圖方式,主要在於傳達現代人複雜的心中意象,呈現創作者對生活、社會環境的體驗或關照。它的特徵常是複合意象的、幾何形式的、具設計意味的或是如超現實般的幻想虛擬。 本研究從吸取傳統經驗出發,先釐清水墨畫的本質和內涵,再透過西方近代繪畫流派(如象徵、表現、超現實和抽象表現主義等)的解析一窺「意象構成」式現代水墨的起源。並且從當代著名「意象構成」水墨畫家――劉國松、趙春翔、蕭勤、袁旃的現代水墨繪畫創作歷程、創作觀念加以比對研究。 個人的創作實踐即是以「意象構成」作為表現形式,作品主要介於形式組構與寫實表現二者之間。採用西方式的方形構圖,一方面部分保留山水畫的形式,另一方面開始突破物象輪廓的侷限。以古生物如活化石魚、貝殼等寫實圖像與傳統山水符號並置,製造一種突兀錯愕的感覺,激發觀者的聯想。其中還有對傳統水墨畫內涵、價值的質疑與釐清。透過水墨畫觀念、價值的澄清將使未來的創作之路走得更加踏實。“Construction of images” is the way that consists of many graphic symbols, which express the complicated inner images of modern people and reflex the creator’s experiences towards his life and society. Its characteristics are usually fullof complexity, graphic and fashionable or super-realistic fantasy. The research is based on traditional experiences, clarifying the inner reality of Chinese ink art and analyzes its “construction of images” through western modern art (such as symbolism, expressionism, surrealism, or abstract experessionism, etc.) We also compare with the creation way of some modern famous Chinese ink art painters, such as Kong-sung Liu, Chun –shiaing Chao, and Chin Show regarding of their process of creating and thinking. My personal creation expressed in the way of construction of images, which is between the formality and realistic theory. Adapted from the western squared form, with saving the original form of Chinese Ink Art in one way, and paint beyond the real frame of objects. My works creats an awkward feeling by putting ancient animals, such as live fish fossils or shells together with the traditional Chinese ink images, which clarify the inner sense and value of Chinese ink art. Through clarifying the concepts, we will be able to enrich the creation of Chinese ink art.意象構成象徵圖像符號水墨進化論-現代水墨意象構成的創作思維Evolution of Chinese Ink Art -the thinking of modern Chinese ink creation