王永慈Wang, Yeong-Tsyr詹雅淳Chan, Ya-Chun2022-06-082022-02-082022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c32a6e2f2e658b12ca704d2cb33ac7d1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118161有鑑於城鄉差距與家庭解組的影響下,導致弱勢家庭兒童成為弱勢中的弱勢,近年在社會安全網的推動下,提倡發展「以家庭為核心,以社區為基礎」的社區支持系統。因此,本研究旨在探討偏遠地區課後輔導服務社區資源網絡的建構與運用。本研究採質性研究方法,以個案協會為主要研究對象,訪談七位資源網絡中的重要關係人,並試著從個案協會課後輔導服務的發展脈絡中,勾勒出與不同類型資源單位的網絡互動過程。研究發現,「信任關係」是社區資源網絡建構的基礎;藉由課後輔導服務能有效帶動社區資源的整合;社區安全網絡的建構仰賴公、私部門協力撐起。因此期待未來政府能夠持續扶植民間單位在地經營與服務創生,以及發展教育與社政單位跨專業資源整合服務計畫。As consequences of urban-rural disparity and family disorganization, children from disadvantaged families in rural areas have become more deprived. In recent years, under the promotion of the social safety net, the principle of a"family-centered, community-based" community support system has been advocated. This study aims to explore one after-school program’s community resource network in the rural Taiwan. The qualitative research method and the case study approach were used. Seven key community informants was interviewed. This study found that the "trust relationship" is the basis for the construction of a community resource network. After-school programs can be an effective tool to promote the integration of community resources. The construction of a community safety network relies on the collaborations among public and private sectors. Therefore, the government’s support as well as education and social welfare departments’ cross-professional resources need to be developed, especially for rural after-school programs.偏遠地區社區網絡弱勢兒童課後輔導方案rural areascommunity networksdisadvantaged childrenafter-school programs以社區網絡觀點檢視偏遠地區課後輔導班的運作—某案例分析Exploring operation of a rural after-school program from a community network perspective -- a case study學術論文