林美和孫秋雲Chiu-Yun Sun2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096023105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92302本研究旨在探討國小緬甸華僑學生家長參與學校教育現況及其相關因素, 並探討不同背景變項的緬甸華僑學生家長參與學校教育的差異情形,據以提供各方改善或制定相關教育政策時之參考。首先參考相關文獻,發展研究架構,輔以前導訪談結果,編製問卷,採用全面普查方式調查緬甸華僑學生人數最多的國小緬甸華僑學生家長234戶,回收有效問卷201份,有效回收率92%;將問卷蒐集資料以SPSS統計軟體進行描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。 本研究獲致以下研究發現與結論: 一、國小緬甸華僑學生家長參與學校教育普遍不積極,在各種參與學校教育內 涵中,以「輔助學習」最積極,「參與行政決策」最不積極。 二、家長參與學校教育的程度會因為家庭結構、家庭社經地位、子女就讀年段 、文化主流等背景變項而有不同。 三、影響國小緬甸華僑學生家長參與學校教育的社會心理因素為家長知覺到的 「教師態度」與「家長態度」。 四、影響學生家長參與的社會心理因素與家長參與內涵之間具有顯著關係。 五、背景變項、家長態度與教師態度對家長參與學校教育皆有顯著影響力,其 中以家長態度的影響力較大。 根據研究結論,本研究分別對教育行政機關、學校、教師、家長及未來研 究提出具體建議,以供參考。This study aims to explore how the parents of Burmese-Chinese elementary students are involved in their children's school education and related factors, as well as to examine by family’s structure, educational level, vocational status, cultural dominance and psychosocial facts. To achieve the study purpose, the questionnaire was developed by examining the related literatures and a pilot interview. The questionnaire was delivered to 234 households, whose children were studying at the elementary school that had the highest enrolment of Burmese-Chinese students. 201 were considered valid, yielding a 92% ratio. Analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS statistical software package and methods included statistic descriptive, T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression. The findings and conclusions are summarized in the points below: 1. Generally the Burmese-Chinese parents are not actively involved in their children's school education. Of all the forms of involvement, the most common is “assisting at home”, and less “involving making school administrative decision ”. 2. The factors that influence the level of parents' participation in their children's schooling are the family's structure and vocational status, the children's ages, and cultural dominance. 3. The parents' attitude toward school education and their perception about teachers' attitudes towards them are the two socio-psychological factors which affect their involvement in school education. 4. The relationship between the two identified socio-psychological factors and how the parents involve in school education is significant. 5. Parents' background-related variables, how parents perceive teachers' attitudes toward them and parents' attitudes toward school education are all influential on parental involvement in school education, the last of the three being the most significant. Finally, according to the findings, this research provides education administrative authorities, schools, teachers, parents and future researchers with tangible suggestions for references.國民小學緬甸華僑家長參與學校教育前導訪談Elementary schoolBurmese-Chineseparental involvementpilot interview國民小學緬甸華僑學生家長參與學校教育及其相關因素之研究A Study on the Burmese-Chinese Parental Involvement in Their Children's Elementary Schooling and Related Factors