呂錘寬Lu, Chui-Kuan馬霈榆Ma, Pei-Yu2019-09-052019-08-282019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060091008M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106964本論文研究對象潘潤梅藝師,其父親潘榮枝是日治時期知名的館先生,許多南管文化圈地位崇高者曾經過其傳授,如鹿港雅正齋館先生黃根柏;藝師的祖父潘訓亦是南管的愛好者,退休後於自宅經營館閣。 潘潤梅藝師南管技藝的養成,除了良好的家學淵源,師承知名館先生林紅,一部分為自發性的努力與堅持,也因為對南管音樂的熱忱,不斷的自我進修與虛心請教,利用業餘時間在各個館閣間遊藝,和南管人以互相切磋樂藝的方式增進自己的技藝,在國內外展演經歷豐富外,也曾於國立藝術學院(現國立臺北藝術大學)兼任南管組教師,傳授洞簫。 根據本論文認為,潘潤梅藝師的南管經歷,為南管文化圈具代表性者。本文內容以實地訪談的方式記錄其生平、學習南管的經過以及在館閣間活動的經歷,並分析專長樂器洞簫的演奏技藝,以南管譜〈百鳥歸巢〉為例。This thesis is a study of the Nankuan musician Pan Run-Mei. His father Pan Rong-Zhi was a well-known Nankuan teacher during the Taiwan's colonial period under Japan. Many acclaimed Nankuan musicians had received lessons from him. For example,Mr.Huang Gun-Po of Ya Cheng Zai Ensemble in Lukang. Pan Run-Mei's grandfather,Pan Xun,was also a Nankuan practitioner and he operating a Taipei Ensemble after retirement. The nurturing of Pan Run-Mei's Nankuan skill could be traced to his good family influence,instruction from a well-known Nankuan teacher,Lin Hong and his self-motivated effort and persistence. His enthusiasm toward Nankuan music made him constantly seek self-improvement and advice. He would spend his free time at various pavilions practicing with fellow Nankuan musician to improve his own skills. He had rich performing experience from home and abroad and used to be a Nankuan instructor at Taipei National University of the Arts teaching Dong-Xiao. This thesis proposes that musician Pan Run-Mei's achievement in Nankuan msuic made him one of the representing figures in the field. This study uses field interviews to track his life story, road to learning Nankuan music and experience performing at pavilions. This thesis also analyzes his performing skills,playing Dong-Xiao by using a Nankuan music, for example "Bai Niao Guei Chao".南管藝師潘潤梅百鳥歸巢Nankuan musicianPan Run-MeiBai Niao Guei Chao南管藝師潘潤梅研究A Study of the Nankuan Musician Pan Run - Mei