黃毅志吳武典馬信行郭實渝曾進興黃秀霜劉淑蓉2014-10-272014-10-272004-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/189591997年國科會委託的「教育相關期刊排序」計畫,以及隨後由教育學期刊選出的TSSCI名單,已經給臺灣教育學界帶來極大的衝擊,許多期刊因而改變了編輯、審查與出版制度。這項期刊排序計畫推動至今,已有多年,有必要進行第二次的期刊學術水準之排序(評比)。本研究以上次排序的教育期刊為基礎,加上新創的期刊,從中選取平均每期刊登教育學術論文達到兩篇以上者納入評比;並透過問卷調查的方式,建立教育學者對各期刊的評價指標;對納入排序的期刊所列參考書目做內容分析,計算期刊間相互引用次數,建立引用指標;進而根據這些指標,計算各期刊評比總分,並採用群落分析,依此總分將期刊分成四個等級。而本研究所做的信效度分析,也顯示各項評比指標具有良好的測量品質。Several years have passed since the first ranking of educational journals sponsored by National Science Council was conducted and the result announced. Four years later, a second-round evaluation of education journals was launched again. Journals evaluated in 1997 as well as new comers that published at least two articles on research in education were included in the second-round evaluation. Ranking information collected from educational researchers as well as counts of mutual citations in the reference list of the paper are analyzed for producing new list of ranking. Each journal received an evaluation score by summing up scores obtained from all indicators. Cluster analysis was used to assign these journals to four ranks.期刊評比期刊分級Journal evaluationRanking of journalsTSSCI國內教育學門學術期刊評比研究An Evaluation of Education Journals in Taiwan