許華峰Hsu, Hua-Feng林偉傑LIM WEI KEAT2022-06-072021-08-222022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5c4f252aa6dee3873e3c9678d8108c33/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116480本文以蔡沈《書集傳》「二帝三王之心」作為主要研究對象,因為《書集傳》是宋代《尚書》學非常重要之著作。這一部著作繼承了朱熹的注經風格以及義理思想,不但以義理解經,同時亦保留了傳統注疏和過去的解釋。然而在傳統注解義理發揮上,蔡沈採取了獨特的原則作為其解經的核心標準,而這一核心即是——二帝三王之心。因此,本文分為四個主題探究。 第一個部分旨在探討宋代《尚書》學中「心法」的概念形成因素,本文認為「心 法」的形成,最早可以追溯到佛教之修心理論,而儒佛會通也間接造成宋代儒家對 「心法」的鑽研。再者,<中庸>文本的地位提升也是原因之一,<中庸>作為宋代儒學 非常關注的文本,使得該書成為後來《尚書》學「心法」形成的基礎文本。 第二個部分旨在探討朱熹與蔡沈的《尚書》觀以及注經原則,本文認為蔡沈《書 集傳》根本上繼承了朱熹《尚書》學,而這也連帶影響了其文獻引用原則以及注經原 則。除此之外,本文認為蔡沈《書集傳》的注經原則,應當以朱熹與蔡沈之書信作為 標準。 第三個部分旨在探討《書集傳》「二帝三王之心」中心法核心的建構,本文認為 蔡沈在建構「二帝三王之心」時,對於過去傳統注疏的解釋,有傾向於內聖化的現象, 而最明顯的即是<大禹謨>、<仲虺之誥>以及<洪範>中。 第四個部分旨在探討《書集傳》「二帝三王之心」心法的精神導入以及政治連接, 在此章,本文發現除蔡沈序文所言的三個篇章之外,亦提出「敬」與「誠」的概念使 心法精神完善。除此之外,本文亦認為《書集傳》提出「二帝三王之心」之背後,與 朱熹的政治生涯有很大的關聯。The object of this thesis is to research the thought of the emperor on five dynasties, which is written in"Shu Ji Chuan" by Cai Shen. This is because "Shu Ji Chuan" is a significant book on the Song dynasty. This book is inherited Zhu Xi's annotation style and philosophical thought. Cai Shen is not only annotated the book by using Zhu Xi's philosophy but also reserve the classical annotation before Zhu Xi. However, Cai Shen also using the unique principle for his annotation, and this principle is "the thought of emperor on five dynasties". The thesis will be divided into four themes. First, a discussion about the formation of"Xin Fa(the way of mind training)" by the intellectual who research "The Book" on the Song dynasty. "Xin Fa" actually can be backtracking by the Buddhism before Song Dynasty. The communication of Confucian and Buddhism indirect causing the Song Confucians to research "Xin Fa". Then, the elevation of "Zhong Yong" in the Song Dynasty is the reason for the "Xin Fa"'s formation. This phenomenon is causing "Zhong Yong" to become the most important reference for the research of "The Books". Next, the second discussion is to investigate the thought and annotation principle by Zhu Xi and Cai Shen."Shu Ji Chuan" written by Cai Shen inherits the idea of Zhu Xi directly, and this also affects his reference's rules and annotation principles. Apart from this, to investigate the reference's rules and annotation principle, the letters during Zhu Xi and Cai Shen is the critical evidence.The third discussion is to investigate the theory construction of the thought-forms of emperors on the five dynasties. Compare with the classic annotation, Cai Shen is emphasizing the inner thought during the annotation. This phenomenon arises on"Da Yu Mo", "Zhong Hui Zhi Gao", and "Hong Fan" more obviously. The last discussion is to investigate the other theory in the thought of the emperor and the relation between this theory and Song's politics. This thesis found that Cai Shen also proposes the theory of "Jing(Respect)" and "Cheng(Honest)" beyond the main theory. In addition to this, the thesis also found that the theory is related to Zhu Xi's political career.蔡沈《書集傳》朱熹《尚書》二帝三王之心Cai Shen"Shu Ji Chuan"Zhu Xi"The Book"thought of the emperor蔡沈《書集傳》二帝三王之心研究The Research of Cai Shen's "Shu Ji Chuan"-Thought of The Emperor on Five Dynasty