黃貞瑛Huang, Jhen-Ying陳貞君Chen, Chen-Chun2019-09-06不公開2019-09-062018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004903117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108109弗朗茲•多普勒(Franz Doppler,1821-1883)為十九世紀著名的長笛演奏家,同時身兼作曲家與指揮家。多普勒受到浪漫主義與民族主義思潮的影響,將匈牙利音樂的元素融入其作品中,其特有的民族風旋律與節奏,使他的音樂展現出強烈的民族色彩。 此首《匈牙利田園幻想曲,作品26》(Fantaisie Pastoral Hongroise, op.26)採用匈牙利音樂與吉普賽音樂的查爾達斯(Czardas)風格作成,為多普勒的作品中較為出名的一首長笛作品,此曲具有濃厚的民族風格,以及相當多炫技樂段,能充分發揮演奏者之技巧,也成為現今演奏者常演奏的曲目之一。 全文共分為五章,第一章為緒論,論述研究動機與目的以及研究範圍與方法﹔第二章為多普勒之生平背景與創作風格﹔第三章為《匈牙利田園幻想曲》之樂曲分析﹔第四章為《匈牙利田園幻想曲》之演奏詮釋﹔第五章為結語。Franz Doppler (1821-1883) was a famous nineteenth century flute virtuoso, who was also a composer and conductor. Influenced by Romanticism and Nationalism, Doppler integrated different elements of Hungarian music into his works. Thus, his music demonstrated strong nationalism through the unique ethnic melody and rhythm. The Fantaisie Pastoral Hongroise, op. 26, which was based on the Czardas style of gypsy music and Hungarian music, was one of the more famous flute works by Doppler. This piece holds a strong ethnic style and various sections for virtuoso performances, which allows the performer to demonstrate his or her skills to the fullest. Furthermore, it has become one of the most often performed pieces today. The first chapter is introduction of the research motivation,scope and methods.The second chapter introduces the background of Doppler and the style of his compositions.The third chapter is an analysis of the《Fantaisie Pastoral Hongroise》.The four chapter is explores the performance interpretation of《Fantaisie Pastoral Hongroise》.The final chapter is conclusion.多普勒匈牙利音樂DopplerHungarian music弗朗茲•多普勒《匈牙利田園幻想曲,作品26》之樂曲分析與演奏詮釋The Analysis and Interpretation of Fantaisie Pastorale Hongroise, Op.26 by Franz Doppler