沈慶盈SHEN,QING-YING楊淑華YANG,SHU-HUA2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096023104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92301本研究主要的目的在瞭解學校支持對國小志工工作滿意度之影響,採調查研究法,選取台北縣605位國小志工為研究對象,研究工具以「國小志工學校支持與工作狀況調查問卷」為主。問卷內容包括社會支持量表、工作滿意度量表、學校提供服務內容及個人基本資料等四部份。主要研究發現如下: 一、學校提供的服務內容以「親職教育講座」、「基礎訓練課程」與「感恩餐會」有最多國小志工參與。 二、國小志工所感受的社會支持與工作滿意度皆偏向高分。而來自伙伴的工具性支持及情感性支持皆顯著高於來自學校的支持。 三、男性、教育程度較高的國小志工感受到較高的伙伴支持;單身、年紀較輕、服務年資較淺、在私人企業任職、每週服務時數較多及服務學校有成立志工隊的國小志工感受到較高的學校支持。 四、女性、領有志工證及每週服務時數較多的國小志工感受到的工作滿意度較高。 五、學校提供的服務內容、伙伴情感性支持、伙伴工具性支持及學校工具性支持與工作滿意度之「自我肯定」、「社會認同」及「組織氣氛」層面皆存在顯著正相關。 六、學校提供的服務內容會透過社會支持感受的中介效果,對工作滿意度產生影響。 本文最後則根據研究結果,對國小志工提出的建議為應將志願服務工作視為終身事業,樹立良好典範;在教育機構部分,應多關懷志工人員,多舉辦並鼓勵志工參加各類活動課程,並提供各項福利措施。The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of school support on job satisfaction of volunteers in the elementary schools. This research takes the methods of survey study. 605 of elementary school volunteers were selected as the sample of this survey. A questionnaire “The Survey of School Support and Job Performance of Elementary School Volunteers” was designed as the research tool. This questionnaire includes four parts: the social support scale, job satisfaction scale, school provided service, and personal information. The main findings are as below: 1. On “School Provided Service”, there are the most volunteers participated in “Parenting seminars,” “Basic Training Courses,” and “Thank-you Gathering.” 2. Elementary school volunteers gave high scores on “Social Support” and “Job Satisfaction.” However, volunteers gained instrumental and emotional support more from their partners and peers than from the schools. 3. Male, high-educated volunteers felt higher partners’ support; single, younger, employed in private-owned enterprises contributed more service hours at school. Volunteers in those schools that formed a volunteer team felt more school support. 4. Female, with volunteer certificate, and those provided more service hours felt higher job satisfaction. 5. There is a significant positive relation between the school service, partners’ emotional support, instrumental support and the “Self Recognition”, “Social Identification” and “Organization Atmosphere” in Job Satisfaction. 6. The school provided service influences job satisfaction through the medial effect of social support. According to the research findings, the researchers suggests that volunteer job should be regarded as a life-long career, establish good models; to educational organizations, more caring should be delivered to volunteers, provide more activities, seminars and other welfare.國小志工社會支持工作滿意度elementary school volunteersocial supportjob satisfaction國小志工學校支持與工作滿意度之研究The Impact of the School Support on Job Satisfaction of Volunteers in the Elementary Schools