黃芳裕戴菁慧2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694420759%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/100602中文摘要 關鍵詞:性別差異、個案研究、物質性質與變化、另有概念、事例晤談 本研究主要是來研究國中學生對物質性質與變化概念的發展情況,以許朝欽(2007)的研究文獻中的研究工具為藍本,採質性的研究法,分為兩個階段,第一階段施以問卷施測,第二階段以半結構式的訪談來收集資料。以台北市一所國中的七、八、九年級的學生(N=86)共三個班級作為研究對象,於2008年十月到十一月進行施測,施測時間為約25分鐘,經廣泛的收集資料後,以頻率(百分比)的方式呈現,並使用Perry基模(1970)來加以分析、討論,而後形成初步的推論。並根據施測結果挑選學生深入晤談,最後進行量化統計以及質性資料分析。 在完成兩階段的工作後,再將第二階段所結之結果印證第一階段所得之推論,而得到以下結論: 一、許朝欽(2007)「物質性質與變化」研究工具之信度有一致性或穩定性的 程度與效度具備有專家效度。 二、學生物質性質與變化的概念發展隨著年齡的增長而成長。 三、學生對物質性質與變化概念存有一些另有概念。 四、學生無法正確使用科學名詞。 五、學生在物質性質與變化概念上的發展會受到相關概念發展的影響。 六、學生的生活經驗、先備知識經驗、自我表達能力會影響學生物質性質與變化概念發展。 七、男女生在數理、科學概念學習於高層次思考能力,男生顯著優於女生。Abstract Keywords: gender different、case study、nature of matter and change、alternative conception、interview about instance The focus of the study was to investigate the Progression in Children’s Understanding of the Nature of Matter and Change at Junior High School, the test instrument in SYU,CHAO-CIN, s paper which published in 2007, On the qualitative research, we have distinguished two stages: the first was examination papers test ,the second stage proceeded through interviews. To examine the students in the city, grade 7 to grade 9 (N=86).The subjects in the schoolwere taken the test from October to November in 2008 and the time of test was limited to twenty-five minutes. After the widespread surveys were collected, we presented them in terms of percentage to analyze.After instruction,eleven students were selected for further interview. After he two stages, we took the results from the second stage to prove the initial inference, and then we concluded the following: 1. “The material nature and the change”study tool have the uniformity or the stable degree and validity have the expert validity. 2. Junior high school student’s nature of matter and change conception understanding will improve when they are developing. 3. Junior high school student’s nature of matter and change concept have some alternative conception. 4. Scientific terms are hard for Junior high school students to use correctly. 5. Related conceptions will affect student’s developing on nature of matter and change conception. 6. Life experiment,prior knowledge experiment and self-expression will affect student’s developing on nature of matter and change conception. 7. Male students tend to have better higher-order thinking ability in mathematical, scientific concept learning than females students do.性別差異個案研究物質性質與變化另有概念事例晤談gender differentcase studynature of matter and changealternative conceptioninterview about instance國中生對「物質與變化」概念理解之研究:台北地區的個案研究Study in Children,s Understanding of the Nature of Matter and Change at Junior High School