張雪梅Chang, Sheue-Mei張柏婷Chang, Po-Ting2022-06-082021-07-202022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/fab56e7a2a778e5fe4be7be3e71dc8bf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118525本研究旨在探討來臺就讀日間四年學制學士班陸生之校園經驗、學習成果及其關係。以「大學陸生校園經驗與學習成果問卷」為研究工具,針對109學年度在臺就讀大二以上之學士班陸生進行調查,共回收有效問卷326份,採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及積差相關分析之統計方法進行量化分析,主要研究發現如下:一、大學陸生整體校園經驗投入程度屬中上,以「學術投入」、「同儕關係」投入程度最高、其次依序為「師生互動」、「學校資源與活動」。二、大學陸生整體學習成果佳,以「認知的複雜化」提升最多,其次依序為「知識的獲取、建構、統整與應用」、「自我內在發展」、「人道主義與公民投入」、「實踐能力」、「人際能力」。三、大學陸生校園經驗之投入會因「就讀學院」、「父親教育程度」、「居住情形」而有差異。人文學院陸生於學術投入的程度高於理工學院、商管學院、藝術學院之陸生;父親教育程度為研究所之陸生與老師互動的程度高於父親教育程度為高中者;住學校宿舍之陸生於學術投入及師生互動上都較自行於校外租屋之陸生來的投入。四、大學陸生學習成果會因「就讀學院」而有差異。人文學院、理工學院、商管學院、藝術學院之陸生於「知識的獲取、建構、統整與應用」、「實踐能力」、「整體學習成果」提升之成果顯著高於其他學院的陸生;人文學院陸生之「自我內在發展」成果提升程度顯著高於理工學院、其他學院陸生;理工學院、商管學院、藝術學院陸生於「自我內在發展」成果提升程度亦顯著高於其他學院陸生。五、大學陸生校園經驗與學習成果皆達顯著低度或中度正相關,校園經驗愈投入之陸生,學習成果就愈佳。本研究基於上述結論,提出具體建議供招收陸生之大專校院、來臺陸生、教育主管機關及未來研究者參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between campus experience and learning outcomes of Mainland China students studying at the universities in Taiwan. The data were collected from the questionnaire focused on the campus experience and learning outcomes. There are 326 available data about Mainland China students studying at the universities in Taiwan in 2021. These data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, independent-sample t test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The major findings were summarized as follows:1.Mainland China college students’ campus experience is above average level, the highest are academic involvement and peer relationship, followed by teacher-student interaction, school resources and activities.2.Mainland China college students’ learning outcomes is nearly excellent, Cognitive complexity is the most improving one, followed by “Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application”, “Intrapersonal development”, “Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement”, “Practical competence”, and “Interpersonal competence”.3.There were significant differences in Mainland China college students’ campus experience among different college, father’s level of education, and situations of student residences. Humanities students’ academic involvement were significantly higher than Science and Engineering, Business and Management, and Arts students. The students whose father’s level of education is graduate school have more interaction with teachers than those is high school. The students living on campus have higher academic involvement and teacher-student interaction than the students living off campus.4.There were significant differences in Mainland China college students’ learning outcomes at different college. Humanities, Science and Engineering, Business and Management, and Arts students’ “Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application”, “Practical competence” and “Whole learning outcome” were significantly higher than other colleges students. Humanities students’ Intrapersonal development were significantly higher than Science and Engineering, and other colleges students. Science and Engineering, Business and Management, and Arts students’ Intrapersonal development were significantly higher than other colleges students.5.There were significantly weak or moderately positive correlations between the campus experience and learning outcomes of the Mainland China students studying at university in Taiwan. That is, Mainland China college students who are more engaged in campus experience have better learning outcomes.Based on the findings, suggestions are provided for higher education institutions, Mainland China students studying at university in Taiwan, educational administrative agencies, and future researchers.大學陸生校園經驗學習成果campus experiencelearning outcomesMainland China students studying at the universities in Taiwan來臺大學陸生校園經驗與學習成果關聯之研究A Study on the Relationship between Campus Experience and Learning Outcomes of Mainland China Students Studying at the Universities in Taiwan學術論文