余鑑楊睿杰2019-09-032004-6-212019-09-032004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000063%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96955本研究主要是透過多重個案研究,以有建置與應用職能模式於人力資源發展功能的個案公司為對象,透過訪談的方式蒐集並瞭解個案公司人力資源發展活動的現況及脈絡,進而探究職能模式與力資源發展策略之關係。茲將本研究結果摘述如下: (一) 整體而言各個案公司職能模式的架構大都包含了核心、專業與管理職能等三大類,其項目與內容大都強調或發展至可以明確且具體陳述或觀察的行為表現,並以此做為該項職能表現水準的區辨依據。 (二) 研究發現在發展職能模式後,大多數個案公司傾向將整個人力資源功能轉換至職能基礎,而於應用職能模式的始點,大多從接受度較高的人力資源發展功能著手。 (三) 研究發現企業內對於人力資源發展策略的認知不外乎為,1.提升員工能力以達成既定之企業目標,2.培養優質人力以因應組織未來發展之需求;尋此一策略思維細究之,亦發現影響人力資源發展策略的兩大主因乃是:1.企業經營策略的考量,及2.長期存在於企業內的核心價值與組織文化的影響。 (四) 研究者發現職能模式可與人力資源發展活動密切整合產生綜效,因此,研究者推測職能模式在人力資源發展策略落實至人力資源發展活動時,具有提升資源運用與配置效率的綜效。 (五) 研究者發現職能模式與人力資源發展策略均依循企業願景、策略與目標發展,但人力資源發展策略較傾向依循企業的目標體系層層發展,而職能模式則是依循企業內預期的價值系統與行為發展。The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between competence model (CM) and human resource development strategies. Through the multiple case studies, six companies with competence model and application of CM to HRD were examined. The main finds of the study are as follows: 1. Generally, CM includes three dimensions, which are core competence, functional competence, and managerial competence. The competences also contain the critical behaviosrs which are the criteria of selection, performance appraisal, evaluation of training program, and etc. 2. Most cases tend to change their human resource system to competence based, and apply the model to human resource development function first, because of its higher acceptance. 3. The companies’ HRD strategies are: (1) improving employees’ competencies for the targets, (2) cultivating the talent for the organization development in the future. According to the concepts behind the HRD strategies, two main factors affect the companies’ HRD strategy, and they are: (1) the consideration of business strategy, (2) the existing culture and value of the companies. 4. Because CM intergrated well into HRD activities and got effective in these cases, the researcher thinks CM can enhance the synergy of using and disposing the resource between HRD activities and strategies. 5. CM and HRD strategy both are based on the organizational vision, mission, and straegy; HRD strategy tends to focus on the bussiness operational target system, but CM tends to focus on the expected behaviors of business value system.職能職能模式人力資源發展人力資源發展策略competececompetence modelhuman resource developmenthuman resource development strategy職能模式與人力資源發展策略關係之研究