林至誠Lin, Chih-Cheng周柔均Chou, Jou-Chun2022-06-072026-07-102022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0b5379e8d088f5585bc11c34080de719/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116327在行動科技逐漸在日常生活及課室中被廣泛運用的今日,本研究以質性的方式探討臺灣離島英語教師如何於教學中運用科技,並運用科技內容教學知識(TPACK)理論架構分析教師對行動科技運用於英語教學的經驗與信念。本研究對象為同一座離島之兩位英語教師,透過研究者兩次親自拜訪離島的學校、六次半結構式訪談,以及六次觀課紀錄,探討偏遠地區英語教師使用行動科技於教學時的經驗、選擇與影響其使用行動科技意願之因素。本研究運用臺灣偏遠地區的行動科技教學經驗呈現,為TPACK理論架構提供更多情境背景因素做為分析討論的依據。本研究透過質性訪談,呈現教師對學生及當地文化的理解、教師在運用科技於教學時面臨的挑戰與反思,以及臺灣離島獨有的教學景況。研究結果顯示,無線網路的穩定性、社區對教師專業的支持與否、教師對當地文化的了解以及對行動科技的熟悉度,都是影響教師運用科技於教學中的情境因素,而教師對科技輔助教學的信念,也會與這些情境因素交互影響,從而形塑課堂中的科技使用。從個案研究中可以發現,教師對科技的想法與運用,皆受到其所教學的情境而有變化,且這些教師因地制宜的各類科技使用可以使TPACK理論架構的運用更加豐富。透過聆聽教師的科技使用經驗與反饋,本研究建議有關教師行動科技使用增能的活動能更強調分級,讓擁有不同科技使用熟悉度的教師都能獲得適合的引導與協助。As mobile technology has been taken up by teachers of all subjects and in all levels, its integration in English classes requires detailed examination. The purpose of the study is twofold: first, it examined English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ use of tablet PCs in classrooms in a remote area in Taiwan; and secondly, it analyzed teachers’ pedagogical beliefs about English teaching and mobile technology integration. The study adopted Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as its theoretical framework for analyses. The reasons were that TPACK, since its inception, has provided a theoretical ground for examining contextual factors influencing teachers' pedagogies and beliefs. TPACK is highly situated and can be shaped by teachers' experiences, resources available, culture, and organization (Angeli & Valanides, 2009; Mishra, 2019; Moza, 2011). To give voices to in-service teachers in remote areas of Taiwan and illustrate teachers' mobile technology integration in class, the study aimed to provide contextual information on teaching in remote areas of Taiwan using the TPACK framework. The present study analyzed qualitative data of teachers' narratives about iPad integration in classrooms through in-depth semi-structured interviews and classroom observations.The findings showed that contextual factors such as unstable Internet connection, the community' s attitude toward teachers, teachers' understanding of the local community, and teachers' familiarity with mobile technologies influenced EFL teachers' willingness to teach with mobile technology. The present research gave examples of how technologies were used in remote classrooms guided by the TPACK framework and called for leveled support for teachers in their continuous professional development in terms of technology integration.科技內容教學知識理論架構教師信念科技融入教學行動載具輔助語言學習個案研究Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)teachers' beliefstechnology integrationMobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)Case Study英語教師行動科技與學科教學知識之實踐:臺灣偏鄉個案研究EFL Teachers' TPACK Enactment: A Case Study on MALL Integration in a Remote Area in Taiwan