季力康Chi, Li-Kang韓雅君Han, Ya-Chun2022-06-082021-09-242022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6edb2236fc51c4e0c209d7891861ae45/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117588本研究旨在探討不同背景變項的壽險從業人員在人格特質、挫折復原力及績效的差異以及人格特質、挫折復原力及績效之關係。研究對象以北部某人壽壽險公司的壽險業務員為主,進行問卷調查。問卷包括背景資料、DISC人格問卷及挫折復原力量表。問卷共發放430 份問卷,有效問卷為412份,有效回收率為96%。所蒐集到的資料使用獨立樣本單因子變異數分析及t檢定了解從業人員不同背景因素在人格特質、挫折復原力及績效的差異,並使用皮爾森相關(Pearson correlation)來探討人格特質、挫折復原力與績效之間的關係。研究結果顯示:(一)在績效方面,女生優於男生;已婚優於未婚。在人格特質方面,女生在「影響型」的人格特質得分高於男生;男生在「服從型」的人格特質得分高於女生。已婚在「穩健型」的人格特質得分高於未婚;年齡51-60歲在「穩健型」的人格特質得分高於20-30歲。在挫折復原力方面,女生高於男生;年資16年以上高於10年以下。(二)「支配型」人格與挫折復原力和績效呈正相關;「影響型」和「服從型」人格與挫折復原力和績效無相關;「穩健型」人格與挫折復原力及績效呈負相關。本研究結果可提供壽險業在選才、育才、留才的培育計畫上,供業務主管參考並作為增員與輔導訓練之依據。This research aims to examine the relationships between the personality profile, resilience and job performance of insurance agents. The participants were insurance agents recruited from one insurance company in northern Taiwan. After received the informed consent, participants were requested to complete questionnaires which assess their background information, personality profile, resilience, and work performance. A total of 430 surveys were distributed, of which 412 effective responses were obtained. The effective response rate was 92%. The collected data were analyzed by using t-test with one-way ANOVA. to examine the differences of personality profiles, resilience and job performance among different background groups. Pearson correlations were used to examine the relationships among personality profiles, resilience, and job performance. The results indicated that: (1) In terms of job performance, females and married individuals outperformed males or single individuals. With respect to personality profiles, females scored higher on “Influence” than males; males scored higher on “Conscientiousness” than females. Married individuals scored higher on “Steadiness” than single individuals; aged 51-60 participants scored higher on “Steadiness” than aged 20-30 participants. In terms of resilience, females outscored males; individuals with more than 16 years of work experiences outscored those under 10 years. (2) “Dominance” personality positively correlated with resilience and job performance; “Steadiness“ personality was negatively related to resilience and job performance. Influence” and “Conscientiousness” personality showed no correlation with resilience and job performance. In addition, resilience was positively correlated with job performance. The result of this study provided valuable references for the management teams in insurance industry in recruitment, talent development and staff retention programs.DISC支配型影響型穩健型服從型DISCDominanceInfluenceSteadinessConscientiousness壽險從業人員人格特質、挫折復原力與績效的關係The Relationships among Insurance Agent's Personality, Resilience and Performance學術論文