林志忠2014-10-272014-10-271999-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17783本研究主要目的是依據R.J.Sternberg的「增進後設認知成分技巧」為理論架構,編擬教學活動設計並透過交互教學方法實施實驗教學後,以探討此套教學活動設計對資優兒童解決能力的影響。 研究樣本選自台北市兩所國小五年級資優班學生各19名,這兩校的學校規模及社區環境相近。其中實驗組學生19名接受實驗教學,控制組則否。兩組都分別以自編科學問題解決能力測驗和非例行性的問題進行評量。所得資料2X2混和設計而因子變異數分析進行處理。 本研究主要結果如下: 一、實驗組學生在實驗教學實施後,其科學問題解決能力測驗的得分顯著優於未實施前的表現。 二、實驗組學生的非例行性問題練習得分顯著優於未實施前的表現,但控制組得分也有顯著差異,唯前者之效果大於後者。 綜合言之,「後設認知解題策略教學活動設計」能幫助資優兒童在科學問題解決能力獲得提昇。最後,研究者針對研究結果提出建議,作為資優教育應用及進一步研究的參考。In this study, I designed a set of teaching activities based on Steinberg's (1986) theory, the Skills for improving metacomponential skills, to teach students how to solve problems using Metacognitive Problem Solving Strategy. The usefulness of the set of teaching activities in improving the problem solving skills of gifted children was evaluated using a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The sample of this study consisted of 38 gifted students in two fifth grade classes within two elementary schools with similar sizes and community environments in Taipei. One class was the experimental group, which participated the teaching activities to learn the Metacognitive Problem Solving Strategy. The other was the control group. There were 19 gifted children in each class. The research instruments included self-designed scientific problem solving test, and non-routine problem solving test. Data were analyzed using the 2x2 mixed design two-way ANOVA. The major findings were as following: 1. In the scientific problem solving test, the posttest scores were significantly higher than the pretest scores in the experimental group; whereas, the scores between the pretest and the posttest were not statistically different in the control group. 2. In the non-routine problem solving test, the posttest scores were significantly higher than the pretest scores in both the experimental and the control groups. However, the improvement in the experimental group was better than in the control group. The results suggest that teaching Metacognitive Problem Solving Strategy will improve the problem solving skills of gifted children. Research recommendations include investigating the inner processes of metacognition in problem solving and evaluating the difference between Metacognitive Problem Solving Strategy and general problem solving models. Implications for elementary schools to select teaching materials and design teaching activities are also discussed.資優兒童交互教學後設認知科學問題解決Gifted childrenMetacognitionReciprocal teachingScience problem solving後設認知策略對資優兒童科學解題能力影響之研究The Influence of Metacognitive Problem Solving Strategy on the Problem Solving Skills of Gifted Children