梁桂嘉毛詠洵MAO YUNG-HSUN2019-09-052010-8-242019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697630094%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103447在這個瞬息萬變的世界,各行各業為求搶奪先機無不絞盡腦汁思考如何提升競爭力,望能成為市場上的強勢品牌。但對台灣大多數的中小企業來說,儘管產品在世界上具有優質的製造水準,但對發揚品牌知名度的執行力卻不足,在歷經十幾年生產線拓展後,開始面臨子品牌經營完善但企業本身母品牌卻發展不全的情況,如何利用品牌策略來處理此問題便是本研究要探討的議題。本研究以中國大陸台商「科宏化妝品公司」為個案實行範本,提出中小型企業品牌形象識別設計的整合策略,提供未來相關單位發展品牌整合策略的範例參考。 企業識別系統(簡稱CIS),目前台灣許多大型知名企業都了解並採用,中小企業也跟著效仿此經營模式,卻未善用此套識別系統的核心價值,只是一味地模擬外在視覺設計,在經營策略的規劃上卻未跟進。近幾年「品牌」的觀念興起,許多新創品牌紛紛拋棄傳統的CIS做法改採用這股新型的品牌設計風潮,兩種設計策略看似互相抵制,但對一間漸有規模的中小企業來說,若能將兩者去蕪存菁合併使用,若策略規劃得當,不失為一個可以更加強化品牌資產的好方法。 本研究首先針對主題進行與品牌和企業識別系統相關文獻資料整理,針對個案對內方面採取個案研究法(包括SWOT分析法和行銷7P研究法),並做事實資料整理和現況調查;對外方面則採取標竿學習法,選取相似背景的競爭者做資料比對並提出值得效仿的策略建議;另外針對研究主題進行的內部調查則採取深度訪談法及問卷調查法,待數據資料處理完畢進行分析,歸納出研究結果。針對研究結果對個案進行「企業品牌形象識別設計」的改造創作,運用設計策略將CIS與品牌的觀念融入其中,最後匯整出一套全新的設計方法。研究結論則提出研究過程中經歷的狀況並予以五項設計建議,望未來品牌整合設計的議題能更加專業化,為中小企業塑造永續發展的新契機。In this transient world, CEOs in all walks of life rack their brains to elevate the competitiveness of company in the hope of their products to take the initiative to become the dominant brand in the market. However, for most of the small and medium enterprises in Taiwan, although their products meet an international level of quality, they lack the ability to execute the plan to promote the brand awareness. After the expansion of production line for more than a decade, the small and medium enterprises begin to face a situation that the subsidiary brands are well-managed but the mother company is not comprehensively developed. How to use the brand strategy to improve the above situation is the main issue of this research. The research subject is KEHONG Cosmetic Co., Ltd., which is a company in Mainland Chinese owned by a Taiwanese businessman. By proposing the integrated strategies of brand image identity of the small and medium enterprises, the research is expected to provide the reference of developing brand integration strategies for the related organization in the future. CIS is known for and adopted by many famous corporations in Taiwan and the small and medium enterprises follow the trend to adopt this business model as well. However, the small and medium enterprises fail to make good use of the core value of the identified system; instead, they just imitate the visual design part but leave the part of management strategies behind. With the rise of “brand” concept in recent years, plenty of innovative brands abandon the traditional CIS approach and follow the new brand design trend. The traditional CIS and brand design seem to be incompatible. However, for an expanding small and medium enterprise, if we can combine and modify two different approaches along with proper strategies, it will be a good way to strengthen the brand equity. The thesis will first review the relevant literatures of the notion of brand and CIS. Furthermore, for the interior reform of the company, the case study method is applied to the subject with an aid of SWOT analysis and the Marketing Theory of 7Ps to do the collection of fact information and investigation of present state of the company. As for the performance of the company in the market, the benchmarking method is adopted to make a comparison with the competitors with similar backgrounds and some suggestions worth putting into practice will be put forth. Furthermore, based on the research topic, the individual in-depth interview and questionnaire method are conducted in the company and from the collected data, a conclusion of the research results will be drawn. Based on the results, the subject receives the brand transformation by means of “brand image identity design.” With design strategies to combine CIS and the concept of brand together, a new series of design methods will be introduced to the subject. In the conclusion, some crucial points during the research process will be discussed and some further suggestions will also be given in hope that the brand integration design will be more specialized in the future and provide a new opportunity for the sustainable development in the small and the medium enterprises.品牌企業識別系統中小企業化妝品中小型企業品牌形象識別設計整合策略-以台商科宏化妝品公司為例