國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系Chuan-Shou Hau2014-10-302014-10-302008-05-30http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35185This article collected various opinions of education evaluation to discuss the gap between theory and practice in vocational high school evaluation (VHSE). Based on the results of literature review and analyses, VHSE was viewed from two major aspects: 1) theoretical concepts and 2) based on pragmatic situation. Due to the various aspects of VHSE, such as expert-oriented evaluation, goal-driven evaluation, social-needs oriented evaluation, student-center evaluation, or CIPP (context, input, process, product) model…etc., we cannot design a specific theory to regulate VHSE. In order to enhance the efficiency of VHSE, stockholders' professional knowledge and philosophy were depended upon other than self-evaluation. The core value of VHSE shall be shifted from school administration to education quality. This article made six suggestions to VHSE based on analyzed results.Vocational high school evaluationSelf-evaluationA review and reflection of vocational high school evaluation in Taiwan