高強華教授陳經榮2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592003020%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89837論文摘要 本研究的主要目的,是在瞭解高中職進修學校教師對知識管理的知覺與專業成長之現況,並分析兩者之關係,期能根據研究結果,提出結論與建議,供高中職進修學校提升知識管理運作,以發揮進修學校教師專業成長之參考。 本研究係透過文獻探討,問卷調查方式蒐集及分析資料,所探討的文獻包括國內外知識管理與專業成長的相關研究;問卷調查法主要是以台北縣20所公私立高中職附設進修學校315位教師為調查對象。以自編之「高中職進修學校教師知識管理與專業成長之研究調查問卷」為研究工具。問卷調查資料以SPSS10.0中文版電腦軟體進行t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計法進行資料處理。 依據資料分析的結果,本研究獲得下列之結論: 一、高中職進修學校的教師知識管理整體表現「中上」。 二、高中職進修學校的專業成長現況整體表現「中上」。 三、教師知識管理之現況受「學校規模」影響而有所差異,與教師之性別、年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、服務地區等背景不相關。 四、教師專業成長之現況受「年齡」、「服務地區」、「學校規模」影響而有明顯差異,與教師之性別、最高學歷、服務地區等背景較無相關。 五、高中職進修學校教師知識管理各層面與專業成長各層面具有顯著正相關。 根據以上之結論,本研究提出以下之建議: 一、宣導知識管理理念,使教師對知識管理內涵有正確了解。 二、應重視中、大型高中職進修學校教師知識管理的作法。 三、建立有制度的資源分配,以提昇鄉鎮地區教師專業成長。 四、對高中職進修學校轉型審慎規劃,並協助教師順利因應。 五、提供資訊科技設備,以利教師進行知識的蒐集與儲存。 六、高中職進修學校應鼓勵教師前往研究所進修,以提昇教師知識管理和促進專業成長。 七、高中職進修學校應積極督促教師從事專業成長活動,並以此做為評鑑考核標準。 八、流通專業成長資源相關資訊,協助教師獲得所需之訊息。 九、建立教師終身學習及團隊學習觀念。 十、教師應體認專業成長之必要性,藉以不斷增益自身專業知能。 十一、教師應主動關心相關專業成長訊息,並主動爭取專業成長的機會。 十二、進修學校教師應加強知識管理的知覺,以提升專業成長的成效。 關鍵字:高中職進修學校、教師知識管理、專業成長Abstract The purpose of the research shows that senior high and vocational schools of extension education to pursue further education programs with teachers’ knowledge managements concept and professional growth. It also analyzes between knowledge management and professional growth relationship. As the result and figures appear some inferences and suggestions that can improve how teachers’ operated with their knowledge management. This is the reference for the further education programs for senior high and vocational schools of extension education teachers. Throughout the literatures and questionnaire’s survey collected from the research groups; The research literatures filed included knowledge management and encourages professional growth related papers from internal and oversea; it questionnaires is from three hundreds and fifteen teachers from twenty public and private high schools with pursuer further education programs. “The relationship between knowledge management and professional growth of the senior high and vocational schools of extension education with pursue further educational programs” is the questionnaire’s ruling tool. All information statistics and experimented by SPSS10.0 Chinese edition software in a T-test, One way ANOVA, One way Analysis of Variance and Pearson product-moment correlation. According the result, this research shows: 1. The overall for the knowledge management is above average. 2. The overall for the professional growth is above average. 3. The knowledge management makes differences by schools’ scale. It doesn’t relate by gender, age, education level, teaching experiences and areas. 4. The professional growth makes teacher continue learning by their age, areas and school scale, the opposite are gender, education level and area’s background. 5. The senior high and vocational schools of extension education with pursues further education programs with the knowledge management and professional growth has grown up above average level. As the conclusion, the research suggests that: 1. In the publicity for the knowledge management concept, it helps that teachers can easy to understand and comprehend the principle. 2. Pay attention to the knowledge management concept ability for the senior high and vocational schools of extension education teachers that are in the big and medium schools. 3. Set up the resource allocation with system, in order to promote the professional growthof the villages and towns. 4. For senior high and vocational schools of extension education diversion and formulation, it should help teachers to orientate the changed. 5. Schools should offer new technology and better tools to help teachers in researching and advancing their knowledge. 6. Senior high and vocational schools of extension education should encourage teachers to continue higher education or skills training to improve their knowledge management and professional growth. 7. Senior high and vocational schools of extension education should push their teacher to manage or join their professional activities as a standard evaluation. 8. Build up professional growth system or network to help teachers for information search. 9. Build teachers on continue study and team-works concept. 10. Teachers should understand the necessary of professional growth to keep their continue learning. 11. Teachers should forwardly the new skills and technologies in their professions and reach all the information as well. 12. Teachers should build up more concepts with their knowledge management to advance the skills and training. Keywords: senior high and vocational schools of extension education, knowledge management, professional growth高中職進修學校教師知識管理專業成長高中職進修學校教師知識管理與專業成長之研究