呂武志Lyu, Wu-Jyh2022-05-162022-05-162022-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116106本論文探討西晉二陸兄弟文論為梁劉勰所參酌並進一步開創的真相。針對六個層面:綜論文章風格與體勢、探討靈感及構思狀況、關注為文宜養神衛氣、強調立意與先情後采、講究謀篇與安章造句、重視多樣化修辭技巧。綜合以上六者,可見劉勰《文心雕龍》大量參酌陸機〈文賦〉和陸雲〈與兄平原書〉的觀點,反覆辯證;取捨之間,不避雷同,不為苟異,所以能廣納魏晉以前文論的精華,推陳出新。清章學誠稱《文心雕龍》「體大而慮周」、「籠罩群言」,洵非虛譽。The purpose of this thesis is to explore the truth that Liang Dynasty Liuxie considered and further pioneered the literary theory of the Two Lu brothers in the Western Jin Dynasty. There are six levels as follows: discussing comprehensive dissertation style and posture; searching for inspiration and conception status; pay attention to writing must keep spirit and vitality; emphasizing the meanings and emotions and then phrases; aiming at the content planning and sentences making; and valuing the diversified rhetorical skills. Combining the above six points, it can better understand that Liu Xie's "Wen Xin Diao Long" has largely considered the views of Lu Ji's "Wen Fu" and Lu Yun's " Letter to brother Pingyuan", and dialectically;Can gather the essence of the pre-Wei-Jin literary theory, innovate the old and bring forth the new.In the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Xuecheng said that "Wen Xin Diao Long" is "large scale and thoughtful" and "includes various literary theories." This is really not a casual praise.劉勰《文心雕龍》二陸兄弟陸機〈文賦〉陸雲〈與兄平原書〉Liu Xie"Wen Xin Diao Long"Two Lu BrothersLu Ji"Wen Fu"Lu Yun" Letter to brother Pingyuan"劉勰《文心雕龍》對二陸兄弟文論的參酌與開創How The Reference and Creation of Liu Xie's "Wen Xin Diao Long" to Two Lu Brothers' Literary Theory