國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系Lyu L-C, Lee F-J, Chen H-Y, Fang L-J, Chiang H-J. ,2011,. , (其他)2014-12-022014-12-022011-09-011011-6958http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/41217本研究持續前項測量嬰兒前6個月母乳攝取量之研究。研究目的為:一、完成7至12個月嬰兒母乳攝取量之秤重試驗。二、與前項研究1至6個月母乳量化資料合併,進一步對國內1至12個月嬰兒之母乳攝取量進行估計、分析比較與討論。三、運用更新之母乳成分資料庫並計算1至12個月母乳哺餵嬰兒營養素的攝取。四、對於國外及本土的相關母乳量化研究之方法學原則進行比較與探討。研究發現,7至12個月之嬰兒母乳攝取量之線性方程式呈負相關,與1至6個月之攝取量呈正相關的結果相反,且從第9個月開始趨勢漸為穩定。7-12個月每日平均母奶攝取量由490g降至330g,平均哺餵頻率由6次降至4次,每次母乳攝取量介於80-90g。7-12個月由母乳中所攝取的熱量由300kcal 降至200kcal,而三大營養素百分比分別為蛋白質6%、脂質44%、醣類50%。本研究除了對母乳成份新舊資料更詳細的比較紀錄之外,也針對本土母乳哺餵嬰兒一至十二個月秤重試驗及營養素攝取量之數據分析比較與更新營養素攝取的估算。This study continued our previous effort for measuring breast milk intake in infants before the age of 6 months. We had four study objectives: 1. complete the test-weighting of infants aged 7~12 months; 2. combine previous data and report the breast milk intake of infants aged 1~12 months; 3. update food composition data of breast milk and calculate the nutrient intake of infants aged 1~12 months; 4. compare and discuss an international breast milk quantitative methodology. In contrast to the positive linear trend found for infants aged 1~6 months, our results showed a negative linear trend for breast milk consumption from 7 to 12 months of age, with a plateau occurring from 9 months. The average daily breast milk intake of 7-12 months decreased from 490 to 339 g, the average frequency decreased from 6 to 4 times, and the average intake per feeding was around 80~90 g. The energy intake from 7 to 12 months was 300 to 200 kcal, with a composition of 6% protein, 44% fat, and 50% carbohydrate. In addition to the detailed documentation of comparisons of breast milk composition, this study compared analytical data and updated the calculation for nutrient intake in breast-fed infants in Taiwan.母乳攝取量嬰兒母乳營養成分breast milk intakeinfantbreast milk nutrient composition台灣母乳哺餵嬰兒一至十二個月秤重試驗及營養素攝取量之研究Test-weighing and nutrient intakes of breast milk feeding for Taiwanese infants from 1 to 12 months of age