張素玢Zhang, Su-Bin陳威潭Chen, Wei-Tang2019-09-032020-07-312019-09-032015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0698270011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96167日治時期的國家力量,為影響原住民族發展的最大原動力。本研究主要是探討布農族卡社群在國家力量的控制過程中,對其社會文化產生的影響。本研究以文獻分析為主,口述訪談為輔。 在日治初期國家力量無法深入卡社群的部落,僅在埔里設立撫墾署進行綏撫,透過通事扮演官方與原住民間的橋梁,了解部落的狀況。明治37年(1904)起,警察駐在所進入部落,隨著官方勢力漸次深入濁水溪,至明治44年(1911)設立カネトワン駐在所後,才初步掌控布農族卡社群部落的概況。 昭和五年(1930)起,展開「蕃地開發調查」,對將來集約農耕適地初步規劃,因「霧社事件」爆發,昭和六年(1931)年總督府發佈新「理蕃政策大綱」。以教化原住民謀求其生活之安定為主,透過「集團移住」以圖改善其生活,使經濟上獨立自主。 就本區域布農族卡社群的移住情形,可大致分為三階段。第一階段為大正11年(1922)至大正12年(1923),官方將不易監控之蕃社移住至駐在所附近。第二階段為大正12年(1923)至昭和7年(1932),由於タマロワン社富含豐沃農耕地,族人因農耕需求、受官方勸誘而移住。然而,在衛生條件未改善之前,族人往往因疾病而返回原社。第三階段為昭和8年(1933)至昭和13年(1938),透過蕃地開發調查計畫,調查移住適地並規劃移住,將卡社群部落強制大規模移住至タマロワン社(今地利部落)、イシガン社(今雙龍部落)、ワラビ社(今潭南部落)。 集團移住後,對布農族卡社群影響最深為授產及近代教育的導入,官方指導開墾水田,維生方式由輪耕狩獵轉為定耕農業,與農耕息息相關的傳統祭儀亦隨之變遷。學校教育,主要是讓原住民兒童接受日本文化,及涵養日本精神,以日式生活為標竿。透過授產與教育加強對原住民的統治與同化,漸次改變其傳統文化。The national power in Japanese occupation period was the primary energy influencing the development of aboriginal tribes. The study mainly discussed the effects of national power to the society and culture of Takibakha tribe of Bunun in the process. The study focused on the literature analysis with interview as supports. Due to the insufficient national power in early Japanese occupation, the government appeased Takibakha tribe by setting a Forestry and Administration Bureau in Puli, and grasped the situation of tribe through the interpreters who were being the bridges between officers and aborigines. Since 1904, the police had stationed in the tribes and, as the official influences extended to the areas of Zhuoshui River, the general situation of Takibakha tribe of Bunun was preliminary comprehended by the government until the establishment of Kanetowan Police Post in 1911. After 1930, the “Investigation of Development in Aboriginal Area” was conducted and initially planned the appropriate area for intensive farming. Due to the Wushe incident, the government announced a new “Aboriginal Policy Program” in 1931 to cultivate aborigines to seek for the stable livings, improve the living quality and have an independent finance through the trial of “collective movement”. The movements of Takibakha tribe of Bunun in the case area may be roughly divided into 3 stages. In the first stage between 1922 and 1923, the government drove the tribes that difficult to control to the neighbor of Police Posts. In the second stage between 1923 and 1932, Because of the fertile croplands of Tamarowan, the tribesman moved to the place for agricultural needs or induces of governments. However, before the improvement of sanitation condition, most of them returned afterward for the diseases infection. In the third stage between 1933 and 1938, the government performed the appropriate residence investigation and planned the moving program by Investigation of Development in Aboriginal Area, which compelled Takibakha tribe to move to Tamarowan (Dili tribe), Ishigan (Shuanlong tribe) and Warabi (Tannan tribe). After the collective movement, the elements affected Takibakha tribe the most were the introduction of property handling and contemporary education. As the instruction of the paddy field farming by the government, the livelihood transferred from crop rotation and hunting to agricultural sedentary cultivation, and the traditional ritual which related to the farming transited with it. In terms of the school education, the main goal of educating aboriginal children focused on the acceptance of Japanese culture and Japanese spirits in order to assimilate them to live on Japanese style. The dominance and assimilation to aborigines were strengthened by property handling and education, which resulted in the progressively alternation of traditional cultures of tribes.布農族卡社群集團移住國家力量BununTakibakhacollective movementnational power日治時期國家力量對部落社會控制-以布農族卡社群為例The National Power to Dominance over Tribal Society in Japanese Occupation Period – Takes Takibakha of Bunun for Example