田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan黃韻文Huang, Yun-Wen2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f9ee41901c2db3bc32d22f42cd25481e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119559本研究旨在探究助人工作者在新手期間處遇危機個案後的自我照顧經驗,探討助人工作者在生命與助人工作的轉化。研究者採立意取向,邀請3位助人工作者為研究對象,皆為女性,平均年齡為36.3歲且工作年資平均8.6年。本研究依質性研究的敘說探究取向,以半結構一對一的深度訪談進行資料搜集與分析。研究結果將助人工作者新手期間處遇危機個案的自我照顧經驗分為四部分:第一部分為「起心動念:成為助人工作者的生命經驗」,包含進入助人工作前學習歷程並不容易;興趣驅動生涯召喚;曾有的挫折、選擇與經歷,使助人工作更入味;以及生涯金三角:自我、教育與職業探索、環境。第二部分為「承先啟後:助人工作者新手階段處遇危機個案的經驗」,包含以「點線面」分析系統合作處遇危機個案經驗,並以新手助人工作者處遇危機時個人、個案與環境三角以圖示之。第三部分為「朝向轉化:處遇危機個案後的自我照顧經驗」,呈現研究參與者在安全階段,以身心靈照顧、人際支持及自我接納進行自我照顧。第四部分為「整合與超越:助人專業與個人生命轉化」,呈現研究參與者在成長階段在助人工作專業成長、婚姻與家庭層面的生命經驗與轉化,最後超越個人目標,朝向「覺知真實」、「止於至善」與「本然之美」。根據研究結果,本研究認為助人工作者新手期間處遇危機個案的自我照顧經驗是助人工作者向自身的脆弱與有限學習的歷程,為安頓受衝擊的身心狀態,研究參與者透過滿足生理需要、感官與情緒的覺察等方式,找回身體的安適歸於平穩;並透過人際關係連結,獲得滋養與支持,從身心情緒被承接的經驗逐漸能關照自身,接納自身的有限,連結自己的力量與自我價值,向限制與困境學習整合與平衡,助人工作者亦能朝向成長與超越個人的階段邁進。最後根據本研究過程與結果,提出研究限制與實務相關建議。The purpose of the research was to explore the self-care experience of professional helpers who deal with crisis cases during the novice stage of their career and to explore the transformation of in their personal life and career in the helping professions. The researcher purposively sampled three professional helpers (3 females, mean age = 36.3), and conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with each participant, who participated in the study voluntarily and the mean of their professional experience was 8.6 years. Data were collected and analyzed with narrative inquiry in qualitative research.The results of the self-care experiences of novice professional helpers in crisis cases were divided into four themes including (a) Inspiration: The life experience of becoming a professional helper, (b) Inheritance: Experiences in crisis cases intervention, (c) Towards transformation: Self-care experiences after crisis cases intervention, and (d) Integration and transcendence: Transformation in both the helping professions and personal life.“Inspiration: The life experience of becoming a professional helper” consists of elements of professional helpers’ learning process before entering help professions and the difficulties they faced. It also highlighted participants’ interest-driven career choices and their calling and pivotal experiences such as frustrations and choices that made the helping professions more enjoyable. It also examined the factors in professional helpers’ career development process including self, education and career exploration, and environment.“Inheritance: Experiences in crisis cases intervention” analyzed the experience of cooperating the systematical approach in crisis interventions and the interactions in the triad of self, client, and the environment when working with crisis cases.“Towards transformation: Self-care experiences after crisis cases intervention” presented the participants' self-care experiences in spiritual and physical aspects. Such self-care practice also includes interpersonal support and self-identification during the safety stage. “Integration and Transcendence: Helping profession and personal life transformation” presented to participants’ personal life and professional growth in areas such as competence, and life experience in family, and marriage. Lastly, it discussed professional helpers’ actualization of meeting personal and career goals and moving towards “awareness of reality”, “strive for perfection” and “pure beauty.”According to the findings, it is believed that the self-care experience of professional helpers in crisis interventions during their novice stage is a process of professional helpers learning from their own vulnerabilities and limitations. By fulfilling the needs of their body and increasing awareness of their senses and emotions, participants are able to find ease in their bodies and resume comfort and stability. Through interpersonal connections, participants could obtain nourishment and support by others and further felt contained, leading to more capacity to pay attention to themselves, and gaining acceptance of their limitations. This also led to more awareness with one’s resilience, strengths, and self-worth, where professional helpers are able to integrate what they have learned from their experience and gain more acceptance of their limitations and the reality and lastly, moving toward the stage of growth and transcendence.Results and implications for further research and practice were discussed.新手助人工作者處遇危機自我照顧轉化敘說探究novice professional helperscrisis interventionself-caretransformationnarrative inquiry助人工作者在新手階段處遇危機個案之自我照顧經驗與轉化敘說探究The Narrative of Self-Care Experience and Transformation for Professional Helpers Dealing with Crisis Intervention in Novice Stageetd