吳亭芳Wu, Ting-Fang張珺涵Chang, Chun-Han2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007091320%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110351本研究旨在探討教師運用正向行為支持計畫對於ADHD幼兒課堂行為問題的改善成效。研究對象為就讀臺北市某公立國小附設幼兒園中班幼兒一名,研究方法採用單一受試研究法中的跨行為多基線教學模式以進行本項研究。 本研究的自變項是以功能評量做為基礎的正向行為支持計畫;依變項是減少課堂行為問題及增加正向行為之成效。首先研究者與同一班級之協同教學老師直接觀察與記錄以了解個案行為問題的功能,由功能評量結果擬定正向行為支持計畫。本研究介入過程包含基線期、介入期與維持期三個階段,蒐集觀察資料,並以目視分析法與C統計做分析,最後再與參與教師進行訪談,以了解本研究之社會效度。 本研究之結果如下: 一、正向行為支持計畫能改善ADHD幼兒之行為問題與提升正向行為,具有立即成效與維持成效。 二、班級協同教學老師對正向行為支持計畫表示肯定。 本研究之建議如下: 一、正向行為支持計畫需事先運用功能性評量再執行,才能有效改善學生行為問題和增加正向行為的習得。 二、倘若能邀請家長參與執行計畫,將正向行為類化到家庭表現,相信會具有更長遠的效應。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the positive behavior support program on interving classroom behavior problems for a child with ADHD. The subject of the study was a four years old student of a public affiliated kindergarten of an elementary school in Taipei. Multiple-baseline across behaviors design was used as research method. The independent variable was the positive behavior support program based on functional assessment, and the dependent variable was the reducing of classrooms behavior problems and the effects of increasing positive behaviors. In order to understand the function of behavior problems, the researcher and the co-teacher observed and recorded the subject’s classroom behavior problems initially. Next, the positive behavior support program was developed based on the results of functional assessment. Data was collected during the baseline, interventions, and maintenance phases. It was analyzed with visual inspection and C statistic. The observation data was also supplemented with social validity analysis using the the co-teacher’s interviews. Results of this study were summarized as follows:: 一、The positive behavior support program could reduce the child’s classroom behavior problems. It was also effective on the maintenance of the positive behaviors. 二、Co-teacher indicated that the positive behavior support program showed significantly of the child’s behaviors in the classroom. The suggestions for future research are as follows: 一、Before implementation, positive behavior support program requires functional assessment in advance, this is effective to ameliorate student’s behaviors and enhance the acquisition of positive behaviors. 二、It would have a long-term effect to invite parents to participate in the implementation and help students generalize positive behaviors to family performance.注意力缺陷過動症正向行為支持行為問題單一受試研究法功能性評量ADHDpositive behavior support programclassroom behavior problemssingle subject researchfunctional assessment以正向行為支持改善學齡前ADHD幼兒之行為問題Using Positive Behavior Support on Remediating Behavior Problems of a Preschooler with ADHD