周遵儒Chou, Tzren-Ru駱榮發Lo, Lawrence2023-12-082027-07-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/adfaf64722535c9a7f3850c54d634e14/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120826在台灣職場文化中,履歷表是求職者與企業主之間的第一個溝通橋樑,履歷的好壞決定了面試的機會。履歷照更是決定了人資主管對求職者的第一印象,本研究調查自身任職企業;每年收到眾多履歷表函附照片的形象與工作經驗相比差異頗大,造成難以連結求職者專業形象,許多不適宜的照片讓求職者未能入選造成遺珠之憾。根據本研究訪談任職企業之人資部門與高階主管、熟識之上市櫃公司事業群經理人,綜合建議求職者在履歷照提供上須注意要點前三項分別為 : 1.第一印象表現專業個性及親切感(52%)、2.整體照片呈現方式,辨別身分、整齊乾淨(21%)、3.照片品質、顏色及時效性(14%)。 有鑑於此,本研究的目的利用色彩調和理論(color harmony)及AI深度學習方法(artificial intelligent deep learning),產生推薦個人化的履歷照背景色,以提升觀看者對其之第一印象滿意度與提升專業形象的探討。經此AI推薦系統所產生之背景色照片與傳統履歷照中常見的白色與藍色進行三個指標評價- Competence (聰明,有能力的) 、Attractiveness (親切、吸引力)、Trustworthiness (正直,可信賴),透過李克特五點量表(Likert Scale)給予分數並使用成對樣本T檢定(雙尾)進行統計分析檢定。 研究結果顯示,AI推薦背景色的方式確能輔助人資與高階主管對履歷照的第一印象中產生較佳的感受,透過AI推薦背景色的建議,相較於傳統履歷照選用的白色與藍色,更能凸顯親切和具吸引力的特質,也讓人資或高階主管對應徵者在第一印象方面被認為較顯聰慧與能力較強。In Taiwanese workplace culture, a resume is the first communication bridge between job seekers and hiring managers, and the quality of the resume determines the chance of obtaining an interview. The resume photo also determines the first impression that the human resources (HR) executive creates regarding the job seeker. The author has 25 years of practical experience with a Taiwanese company and has receives many resume letters every year. Sometimes job seekers choose photos which fail to represent themselves in the most professional light.The author has also noticed that some job seekers missed an interview opportunity during the first resume screening due to inappropriate resume photos when compared to the job expectations. According to the interviews conducted by the author with the HR department and senior executives of other companies, as well as business managers from some public Taiwanese companies, it is suggested that job seekers should pay attention to three points when providing their resume photos: 1. The first impression conveys professionality and confidence (52%), 2. The face and hairstyle are neat and permit easy identification (21%), 3. Photo quality, including elements of color and timeliness (14%).In view of this, the purpose of this research is to use color harmony theory and artificial intelligence deep learning methods to generate a recommended personalized background color for resume photos, so as to improve the viewer's first impression satisfaction and enhancing the image of professionalism. Regarding the first point, our research shows that the choice of a powerful, complementary background color goes a long way towards communicating a job seeker’s professionalism and confidence.The background color photos generated by this AI recommendation system and the common white and blue in traditional resume photos backdrop are evaluated according to three factors –competence (smart, capable), attractiveness and trustworthiness. Scores were given according to the Likert Scale and statistical analysis was carried out using paired sample T-tests (two-tailed). The research results show that the AI recommends the background color can indeed help HR and senior executives to createa better impression of the resume photo. The photos with optimized background colors appear more friendly and attractive, and also make senior managers or senior executives feel an impression of intelligence and creativity.人工神經網路 (ANN)履歷照色彩調和第一印象人資主管面談刻板印象Artificial Neural Network (ANN)biography photocolor blendingfirst impressionHR executivejob interviewtransformation of stereotypeAI導入履歷照背景色推薦方法之研究AI-based Recommendation Method of Background Colors in Resume Photosetd