徐昊杲宋妙蓮2014-10-272014-10-272005-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30434本研究主要目的在瞭解大專校院就業學程實施之現況,以及影響其滿意度的相關因素,並根據研究結果,作出具體之結論及建言,以作為就業學課程規劃、產學界互 動方向之參考。 本研究採用調查研究法,透過文獻探討與問卷調查方式達成。研究資料的蒐集則以透過文獻分析為理論基礎之後,編製完成「大專校院就業學程學生學習滿意度量 表」問卷,經預試後,向大臺北地區(臺北市、臺北縣)之公私立大專校院學生,採隨機叢集取樣,正式施測完成。於93年3月發出782份,4月底問卷回收完 畢,回收有效問卷為712份,有效回收率為91%。蒐集所得資料經統計分析,獲致以下主要結論: 一、參與大專校院學生學習滿意度各構面為教師教學、學習環境、學習成果、人際關係、行政單位措施等五項構面,各構面的施測結果均有中上水準的表現,皆達滿 意程度。而構面中表現最滿意的是教師教學構面。 二、影響大專校院實施就業學程學生學習滿意度之因素,背景因素共有七個變項:公私立、性別、就讀意願、學業成績、推荐者、訊息來源、及未來規劃。 最後,本研究根據研究發現、結論、分別對大專校院教師、學校及教育主管機關三方面提出建議,以期對於實施就業學程有所幫助。The purpose of this study were to investigate the current situation of the program for school-to-work at the college/university and the factors the influence its efficacy. According to the results of the research, substantial conclusions and suggestions were proposed for the references of planning the school-to-work program and industry-university cooperation. This research was based on the inquired research approach which was performed by the literatures review and questionnaire survey. The questionnaire of “Students’ Learning Satisfaction for School-to-Work Program in College/University” were made based on the learning satisfaction theories. The formal inquiry had been accomplished with the random cluster sampling on students of colleges/universities in Taipei area (Taipei city, Taipei county) after pretest. The 782 subjects were surveyed before March 2004, 712 available questionnaires had been analyzed with statistical analysis, and the conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. Overall student satisfaction with the program for school-to-work at the college/university was relatively high. The ratings for professor’s teaching skills sub-scale was the best than other’s sub-scale. 2. There were seven personal background variables that affect Student’s Learning Satisfaction for School-to-Work Program in College/University: National or private school, gender the will of learning, the performance in school, people who made suggestions, the sources of information, the personal future planning. Finally, according to the research results and conclusions, substantial suggestions were provided for teachers and administration in college/university, and educational authorities. It would be benefited to the student’s learning satisfaction for School-to-Work program from these suggestions.就業學程學習滿意度School-to-work programLearning satisfaction大專校院實施就業學程學生學習滿意度之研究The Study on the Student's Learning Satisfaction for School-to-Work Program in College/University