許佩賢Hsu, Pei-Hsien松田宜慧Yoshie Matsuda2023-12-082023-08-152023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2bfb55587afaf8aa046e02e2fb3f3921/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120424資生堂藥舖(以下行文成為臺北資生堂)於明治30年(1897)臺北城內開業。創業者中田銀三郎(1865-1908)為藥種商,開業當時的營業項目為藥材、醫療器材及成藥的批發及零售。日治初期臺灣總督府的衛生改革以撲滅鼠疫及霍亂為優先,尚未進行全面性的瘧疾防治工作。中田銀三郎從日本邀請藥劑師來臺灣,開設「藥局」,以開發符合臺灣現地需求的藥。明治35年(1902)臺北資生堂出售治療瘧疾的自家產品「寒熱丸」。寒熱丸系列產品成為臺北資生堂的代名詞。進入1910年代,臺灣藥品相關法規經過多次修訂。第二代中田銀三郎(1893-1914,創業者中田銀三郎的兒子)為藥劑師,他繼承家業後,臺北資生堂開始將營業的中心從成藥的販賣轉移向醫療院所及醫藥相關業者販賣的藥品。第二代銀三郎與父親皆為臺灣醫學會及臺北藥業組合的會員,這些組織的活動幫助臺北資生堂建立經營的基礎。其後中田堅(1872-1943,創業者的妻子,第二代銀三郎的母親)繼承家業,經營商店將近三十年。中田堅於大正12年(1923)將公司株式會社化及成為臺灣總督府專賣產品「赤十字葡萄酒」代理人。葡萄酒的代理可以保證穩定的收入的同時,進入1930年代臺北資生堂在經營上開始受大型藥品廠商鹽野義商店的影響。中田堅在史料中經常被描述「女中豪傑」,在藥業界擔任各種組織的幹部。臺北資生堂在產業界建立的網絡可說是基於他們從第一代銀三郎經營時期所積累的技術與知識。雖然臺北資生堂公司規模不大,但是他們在藥品產業扮演重要的角色。在醫療資源缺的狀況下,他們提供成藥的選擇。到日本統治時期結束為止,他們一直雇用藥劑師,得知他們重視品質及技術的情況。他們也從事政府相關行業。從臺北資生堂的企業活動可以了解,日治時期中小型業者如何在臺灣經營公司,以及一個日本人家族來臺灣的家族歷史。Shiseido Pharmacy (hereinafter referred to as Shiseido) was founded by Nakata Ginzaburo (中田銀三郎, 1865-1908) in 1897. It opened as a store importing and selling medicines, its ingredients and clinical instruments. At that time, the most severe diseases in Taiwan were plague and cholera, thus the government prioritized policies to improve water hygiene and housing environment. Malaria, on the other hand, did not have an established policy yet other than treatment by quinine. Ginzaburo decided to bring a pharmacist from Japan to open a dispensing pharmacy within the shop that could develop and manufacture their own medicines. In Colonial Taiwan, there was no institution where a pharmacist’s license could be obtained, nor could a store without a pharmacist operate a dispensing pharmacy. In February 1902, Shiseido introduced its original product Kan-Netsu Gan (寒熱丸). Kan-Netsu Gan is a blend of quinine and other ingredients formed in the shape of a round pill. The Kan-Netsu series became one of the most successful items for Shiseido.In the 1910s, the government began to tighten its regulations toward pharmaceutical industries. Ginzaburo the second (1893-1914, son of the founder) was a pharmacist. After he succeeded his father’s business, Shiseido gradually transferred its main handling products from over-the-counter medicines to pharmaceutical items required by doctors and other medical institutions. Ginzaburo, along with his father, were members of the Taiwan Medical Association (臺灣醫學會) and Taipei Pharmaceutical Association (臺北藥業組合), which helped Shiseido establish its position in the Taiwan industry.Nakata Ken (中田堅, 1872-1943, wife of the founder) succeeded the family business, managing Shiseido for nearly thirty years. She transformed the family business into a joint-stock company and obtained an agent license for the government’s alcohol monopoly. As a result, the company managed to obtain a relatively steady income from the monopoly business, however, during the 1930s gradually came under the influence of the Japanese pharmaceutics manufacturer Shionogi (鹽野義).Nakata Ken is often portrayed as “powerful” and “manlike” in historical documents. She was responsible for many positions in pharmaceutical organizations. The network on which Shiseido built is business upon was based on their knowledge and expertise in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Although their company size was not large, Shiseido played a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry in Colonial Taiwan. They provided over-the-counter medicine when the practice was still in its early days. They employed pharmacists until the end of the Japanese ruling period, showing their emphasis towards product quality. They were also agents in government related trades. Shiseido is an example of how of a small-middle sized family business survived in the Colonial Period of Taiwan.資生堂藥局日治中田銀三郎中田堅藥種商ShiseidopharmacyJapanese ruleNakata GinzaburoNakata KenmedicineColonial Taiwan日治時期資生堂藥舖在臺灣的企業經營Shiseido Pharmacy: Corporate Management in Colonial Taiwan, 1895-1945etd