賴 香 如 博士謝慧妙Hsieh,Hui-Miao2019-08-282005-2-252019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000047%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88069本研究目的在瞭解學校護理人員社區資源運用之現況,並探討個人因素、學校因素與社區資源運用的關係。以台灣省公立學校九十二學年度第二學期學校護理人員為母群體,利用立意取樣法,選取台北市和宜蘭縣公立國民小學學校護理人員為研究樣本,研究工具採結構式問卷,以郵寄施測方式進行資料收集,最後獲得有效樣本為190份(佔88.5%),其重要結果分述如下: 一、 研究對象運用社區資源者從事健康服務工作約有六成。其中在進行健康促進活動和傳染病管制時運用社區資源最多,佔八成以上;其次教職員工保健和緊急事故傷害處理各佔七成;健康檢查及缺點矯治則有五成;特殊學生保健和健康中心設施的充實最少,佔四成。而運用社區資源單位以醫院或診所、衛生所和學生家長為主;運用社區資源的種類則以人力最多,其次是物力,而財力最少。 二、 研究對象社區資源運用情形與年齡愈高、校護年資久、有運用的經驗、運用社區資源的感覺良好、社區資源訊息來源總數愈多、對社區資源分佈愈瞭解、覺知社區資源對學校護理人員的重要性和人際溝通能力愈佳者,運用社區資源越佳。 三、 學生人數愈多、行政愈支持、教職員工人數愈多、學校護理人員數少者較會運用社區資源。 四、 運用社區資源的經驗、社區資源訊息來源總數、學校所在縣市,對整體社區資源運用的解釋力為21.6% 。The purpose of this study was to understand the application of community resources by the public elementary school nurses in the present situation. Also, we wanted to investigate the association between individual factors, school factors and the application of community resources .The study population were school nurses of public elementary school in Taiwan.Public elementary school nurses in Taipei city and I-Lan country were selected as subjects. There were 190 valid samples (the successful rate of 88.5%). The major findings were summarized as follows: 1. The rate of application community resources by the subjects was 60 %. . Of these, application of community resources in health promotion and control of contagious disease were more than 80%. 2nd in frequency is school staff health care and emergency accident care (70%). Health examination and correction of deficient services at 50%.Care of special disease students and full usage of health center facilities is the least at 40 %. Of the community resources most commonly used is the hospital or private clinics, followed by public health center and student parents. Of the different community resources used, manpower stand highest, followed by supplies and financial resource. 2.Significant factors of the application of community resources include higher age, longer school nursing work experience, experiences in using community resources before, feeling good in using community resources, amount of community information, greater understanding how community resources are divided, importance of the school nurse in the community and interpersonal relation in the community. 3.Significant school factors include the number of student population, extend of administrative support, greater number of professional educational staff, and lesser number of school nurses. 4.Experiences in usage of community resources, community information source, location of the school whether in the city or provincial site, could explain 21.6% variance in the application of community resources.社區資源運用公立國民小學學校護理人員community resourcespublic elementary schoolschool nurse台北市和宜蘭縣公立國民小學學校護理人員社區資源運用現況研究the Application of Community Resources in the present situation by public elementary school nurses in Taipei city and I-Lan, country