林仁傑Lin, Jen-Chieh翁蓉旋Weng, Jung-Hsuan2020-12-102008-7-142020-12-102008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694600048%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115267審美教學為視覺藝術教育中重要的面向之一,本研究係探討國民小學視覺藝術教師審美教學實施現況,以臺北市國民小學任教視覺藝術之教師為對象,採問卷調查法、晤談的方式,了解教師實施審美教學的實務與內容、目的、困難及在審美教學的知能自我充實及省思的情形。 本研究結果發現:教師運用審美教學媒體、教材以生活周邊素材為主;編選考量以學生主體出發,而教師在實施審美教學的策略方式、評量較貧乏;實施審美教學的目的以提升學生對視覺的敏感度為主;外在環境、教材是教師實施審美教學感到困難的主因。而在審美教學自我充實與省思多傾向自我檢討,少與同儕教師有互動交流。 而不同背景的教師在審美教學的實踐上有所差異,專業背景的教師較有信心勝任也具有較高的使命感;其次在擔任不同職務教師的差異上,視覺藝術專任教師投入課程工作較完整、有系統,而導師兼任視覺藝術教師在教學上的實踐情形較力不從心,因此在解說能力、關注當前社會文化議題等較感困難也易疏忽。 以上述研究結果,希冀提供教學第一現場的教師在進行教學的省思、師資培育機構規劃課程的完善度及教師進修內容之實用性作參考。Aesthetic teaching is an important domain of visual art education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the practice status of implementing aesthetic teaching by visual art teachers in Taipei. This study employed questionnaire and interview to realize the status of the content, purpose, difficulties of implementing aesthetic teaching and the self-accomplishment and reflection of visual art teachers. The conclusions as follow:Most teachers choosed teaching media and lay stress on students and lack of strategies and assessment of implementing aesthetic teaching. The purpose of implementing aesthetic teaching was to arise visual sensitivity of the students. External stimulation and teaching materails were the main problems that teachers felt difficult to handle with. Additionally, there are less interaction between teachers. Teachers took different attitude towards aesthetic teaching between different education background. First of all, professional teachers had much more confident to adequate and responsibility. Secondly, full-time visual art teachers were much more concentrative and systematic than home-room teachers who often felt difficult on explanation art works and the contemporary social and culture issues. According to the research results, accelerate the on-the-job teachers to reflect themeselves and provide the references to planning course association and further course.視覺藝術審美教學visual artaesthetic teaching臺北市國小視覺藝術教師審美教學實施現況之研究