康敏平Ming-Ping Kang, Ph.D.曾婕寧Tseng Chieh Ning2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699560102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94591  本研究試圖從治理機制探討集團成長模式。利用個案研究法,以集團的角度,探討集團對內生成長與收購成長的治理系統如何影響整個集團成長率。在集團治理的機制中,研究者分做管理資源與治理機制兩面向:管理資源部分,主要研究集團整體調整成本、管理資源多寡、團隊知識、團隊在集團經驗四個指標對於集團的影響為主;治理機制部分,主要探討集團對於齊下相關子公司公司的控股方式,研究者根據內生型與收購型公司之控股方式差異,針對成長率為高低的原因作說明。   比較內生型與收購型公司的管理資源:在內生成長型公司高階管理團隊董事成員中,集團偏好運用集團整體調整成本高、管理資源多、團隊知識高、團隊在集團經驗高的董事成員。在內生成長型公司高階管理團隊經理成員中,集團偏好運用集團整體調整成本高、管理資源多、團隊知識高的董事成員,但不特別需要:團隊在集團經驗之能力。收購型公司管理資源中,顯示經理人與董事成員在集團整體調整成本低、管理資源多、團隊知識高、團隊在集團經驗低。對於集團治理的角度來看,收購型公司在治理時控制的模式與內生成長型公司不同,反而需要各種不同經理團隊的外部經驗支撐公司成長。This study attempts to explore the growth method of corporations and its governance mechanisms. Using the case study method (in this case, of the Uni-President group and its affiliates/subsidiaries), the study explores how governance and mamagerail resources affect its growth. The research considered two methods for company growth: whether by growing through developing internally or by acquisition of external companies. The aim of this research is to analyze the characteristics of these two growth methods. In this study, we consider two main governance mechanism used to determine the corporation’s growth: managerial resources (human factor) and financial resources. These both elements can influence how a corporation can grow, through internal development or acquisition of other companies, and its relation to its subsidiaries. By comparing both types of corporation growth, the study inferred the following characteristics for those two growth methods: • Internal development growth: changes of company presidents are lower (therefore costs are higher), management resources usage and technology is higher. People in these affiliated companies that grew from internal resources present higher level of experience with the original company’s culture and knowledge. • Acquiring growth: changes of company presidents are higher (costs are lower because of that), level of company experience is lower. Management resources and technology usage is the same as the other method.管理資源成長模式治理機制統一企業managerial resourcesgrowth modesgovernance mechanismUni-President Enterprises Co集團企業管理資源、治理機制及成長績效--以統一集團為例