廖世璋Liao,Shi-Zhang翁敏兒Weng, Min-Erh2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060002010E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92077  本研究目的旨在瞭解博物館對人權教育學習成效之影響,以台北二二八紀念館為研究範圍,調查觀眾背景、對於人權教育之影響等特性,並以通用學習成效方案分析,探討觀眾在參觀博物館後對於人權教育的學習成效,期能提供給相關單位及人員參考。   本研究之研究成果如下:一、在Reardon人權教育理論方面:(一)觀眾能透過展覽促進「歷史的進路」方面學習成效;(二)觀眾能透過展覽培養「全方位的價值觀」,卻未達「重建主義取向」的學習成效;(三)「學生」族群抱持著學習的心態進行參觀,各層面學習成效較高;(四)年齡與經驗影響觀眾在各層面的學習成效。二、在通用學習成效方面:(一)展覽以促進觀眾「知識與理解」為主;(二)運用展場設計展示二二八事件的沉重史實,使觀眾「態度」層面學習成效較高;(三)觀眾較無法連結展覽與「行動與行為改變」的學習。三、在台北二二八紀念館方面:(一)展示內容淺顯易懂,不同教育程度的觀眾都能促進學習成效;(二)「專程前往」的觀眾較投入於展覽內容當中,學習成效較高;(三)因成人學習者具有自主性的學習,「獨自前往」的觀眾學習成效較高;(四)以「歷史真相」為展示內容,與現代人權連結性不高。The aim of this research is to investigate the learning impacts of human right education by museums. Via investigating the visitors of Taipei 228 Memorial Museum, which can offer a reference to human right educations after visiting the museum. This research is based on General Learner Outcomes (GLOs) and human right education theory developed by Reardon (2002). The conclusions of this research are summarized as follows: 1. In the human right education theory: (1) Visitors can facilitate the learning impacts of “An Historical Approach”. (2) Visitors can facilitate the learning impacts of “An Holistic Values Approach”, but not reach “A reconstructionist Approach”. (3) Students who visit museum for learning score higher points on learning impacts. (4) Age and experience affect all facets of learning impacts. 2. In GLOs: (1) The museum promotes visitors both on “Knowledge and Understanding”. (2) The exhibition’s design and ambiance of February 28 Incident’s historical facts affects visitors getting higher scores on “Attitude and Values”. (3) Visitors cannot connect the exhibition with “Activity Behavior and Progression” 3. In Taipei 228 memorial museum: (1) The exhibition is easy to understand for visitors with different educational level. (2) People who visit on purpose always get higher points on learning impacts. (3) Self-directed learning makes adult have better learning effects on “Go To Museum Alone”. (4) The exhibition shows “historical truth”, which is far from human right concepts nowadays.人權教育學習成效博物館台北二二八紀念館museumTaipei 228 memorial museumhuman right educationlearning impacts博物館對人權教育學習成效影響之研究─以台北二二八紀念館為例A Study on The Effectiveness of Human Rights Education of Museum Learning - Cases of Taipei 228 Memorial Mmuseum