吳亭芳田秀蘭Wu, Ting-FangTien, Hsiu-Lan張怡申Chang, Yi-Shen2019-08-282017-09-132019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060317003E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89337本研究旨在了解注意力不足/過動症(ADHD)成人就業歷程、影響因素與就業相關策略。 本研究採用質性之敘說研究,以立意取樣的方式選取三位受訪者進行多次的深度訪談,並從中獲取文本資料分析,以「整體—內容」的形式撰寫三位受訪者在就診前後的生命故事,並以「類別—內容」的方式針對文本資料,佐以相關文獻進行分析、討論與歸納,最終提出主題。 本研究之結果顯示,ADHD成人之就業歷程分為四大階段,分別為「探索職業性向」、「遇見挫折」、「診斷ADHD並治療」與「穩定就業與新挑戰」。 ADHD成人就業歷程影響因素與就業策略,主要有兩大取向,分別為「職場面」與「個人面」。在職場面的就業歷程影響因素中,包括「適性職場」、「工作策略」、「職務再設計」。就業策略則包括「治療與專業協助」、「自我揭露」、「自主學習」、「自我教導」、「社會支持」。 而就個人面的就業歷程影響因素當中,可見「ADHD特質」、「治療」、「自我概念」、「自我效能」、「自我揭露」等因素影響深遠。個人面的就業策略則包括「工具」、「工作模式調整」、「工作環境調整」等三大主題。 最終根據上述研究發現,對ADHD成人及雇主,提出提高就業表現的影響因素與策略。並陳述論文受限之處,以對未來相關研究提出建議。The purpose of this study is trying to understand the career path and trying to understand the effect factors for employment of adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD), and develop personalized strategies for employment. This is a narrative study adopts purposeful sampling to conduct in-depth interviews with three participants, then do the textual analysis. The life stories before and after medical treatments of three participants are analyzed in a “holistic-content” perspective. Furthermore, content analysis is conducted with “categories-content” perspective, and different conclusions are drawn from the facts. The results show that the career path for adults with ADHD has four stages, including: (1) Exploring the vocational aptitude, (2) encountering frustration,(3) being diagnosed and treating ADHD, and (4) maintaining employment. There are two main aspects, workplace and person, in career effect factors and personalized strategies for employment of adults with ADHD. Under the “Workplace aspect”, the effect factors for stable employment include adaptive workplace, strategies for work, and job accommodation. In addition, employment strategies in workplace are treatment and professional assistance, self-disclosure, autonomic learning, self-instruction, and social support. In “Person aspect,” ADHD trait, treatment, self-concept, self-efficacy, and self- disclosure are five mostly identified effect factors by adults with ADHD. In addition, tools, work adjustment, and work environment adjustment are three major themes in personal strategies for employment. According to the findings of this study, suggestions for adults with ADHD and employers to do the job accomadation , also the research in the future are provided.成人注意力不足/過動症就業歷程就業策略敘說研究Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderCareer pathStrategies for employmentNarrative study成人注意力不足/過動症者之就業策略與相關歷程研究The research on Adult ADHD's personalized strategies and career path in employment