李燕宜Yen-I LEE2016-04-282016-04-282014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77906二重奏鳴曲大多以鋼琴為其合作器樂,其寫作部分極具份量,整體音樂結構關聯密切,雙方地位相等,是器樂曲中最能展現器樂合作的藝術,可謂器樂曲中最為重要的合作曲目,不僅是任何獨奏器樂在音樂會中必定會安排的曲目,更是鋼琴合作藝術教育中當成訓練器樂合作的基礎教材和樂曲。因此,筆者在本文中將利用二重奏鳴曲,來探討鋼琴合作者在器樂合作中應具備的基本認知、彈奏法、練習法及可能會遇到的問題等主題進行分析、探討,並舉實例說明。Many duo sonatas are written for piano and another instrument. In the writing, they display the heavy proportion, tightness musical structure relationship between both parts. In the instrumental repertoire, duo sonata requires a high art of collaboration. It can be described as the most important cooperative musical work. Not only in concerts, but also in the collaborative piano’s training methods, duo sonata is always given a significant place. Therefore, in this article the author will use various duo sonatas as examples to present the basic concepts, knowledge, playing techniques, practice methods and problems in instrumental accompanying .二重奏鳴曲器樂合作基本認知彈奏法練習法。Basic conceptduo sonatainstrumental accompanyingpractice methods淺談器樂合作之基本認知概論――以二重奏鳴曲為例The Basic Concept of Instrumental Accompanying of Duo Sonata