周麗端Chou, Li-Tuan黃資君Huang, Tzu-Chun2019-08-282015-2-92019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060106012E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86910本研究旨在探討父母教養行為與時間管理對子女自律學習之影響,自律學習分為內在歷程取向、行為取向以及環境取向三層面,父母的教養行為則分為施予子女的挑戰、自主以及應變三層面。本研究以問卷調查法,針對全台灣地區國小五年級至國中二年級之學童為對象,讓子女評估自我學習行為以及覺察父母日常在教養和時間管理上的行為表現,並透過方便取樣回收有效樣本共252份。研究發現如下: 一、子女自律學習表現普遍為佳 國中小階段的子女,在自律學習的行為表現普遍為佳,其中以環境取向的平均得分顯著低於行為取向與內在歷程取向。在「子女性別」變項上,男女於不同層面的表現各有所長,男生較善於運用內在歷程取向的方法、女生則是行為取向,相較下女生以行為取向及環境取向的表現顯著優於男生,但內在歷程取向無顯著差異。以「就學階段」而言,國中與國小在各層面的表現無顯著差異。此外,「父母教育程度」與子女自律學習表現呈正相關。 二、子女知覺父母教養行為與時間管理普遍為佳 國中小階段子女知覺父母教養行為與觀察父母時間管理的程度普遍均為佳,教養行為部分以施予子女的應變教養之平均得分顯著最高,次之為自主教養,而挑戰教養的平均得分最低。 三、父母教養行為、時間管理對子女自律學習具正向影響力 將背景變項控制後,國中小階段子女知覺父母教養行為與觀察父母時間管理的表現,均能顯著解釋對自律學習中內在歷程取向、行為取向以及環境取向的正向影響。教養行為部分,主要受到父母挑戰教養與自主教養的影響,而應變教養雖不具顯著解釋力,但與子女自律學習各取向之表現呈顯著正相關。This study aims to explore the impact of parenting behavior and parents’ time management on children’s self-regulated learning (SRL). There are three dimensions for SRL: intrinsic process orientation, behavior orientation and environment orientation. There are also three dimensions for parenting behavior: challenge, autonomy and contingency. Questionnaires were distributed to survey fifth to eighth graders' self evaluation of self-learning behaviors and perceived parenting behavior. A total of 252 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The results of this study are as follows. 1.Children reported a good level of SRL The respondents of the questionnaire reported a good level of SRL. The average score of the environment orientation is significantly lower than that of the other two dimensions. Gender differences exist between different dimensions. Girls scored significantly higher for behavior orientation and boys tended to show more behaviors of an intrinsic process orientation. Compared with boys, girls show a higher level of behavior orientation and environment orientation, but there is no gender difference in intrinsic process orientation. The level of SRL does not show a significant difference betwen different stages of schooling, or elementary and junior high respondents. Parents’ education level was positively related to children’s SRL. 2.Children perceived that their parents perform well in parenting and time management The participants reported that their parents exhibit good parenting behavior and time management. In the parenting behavior aspect, the dimension that scored the highest was “contingency”, followed by "autonomy", and “challenge”. 3.Parenting behavior and parents’ time management have a positive impact on children’s SRL Regression analysis revealed that children’s SRL could be explained by parenting behaviors belonging to the dimension of "challenge" and "autonomy" and parents’ time management. Although “contingency” parenting behavior does not seem to show a strong explanatory power, it is positively related to children’s SRL.自律學習教養行為時間管理Self-regulated learning (SRL)parenting behaviortime management父母教養行為、時間管理對國中小階段子女自律學習之影響The Impact of Parenting Behavior and Parents’ Time Management on Children’s Self-Regulated Learning