周遵儒博士Tzren-Ru Chou賴宜平Lai I Ping2019-09-042014-12-232019-09-042014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098723113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99656政府機關為了縮短公文流程時間,提昇行政效率,致力推動文書處理的電腦化,加上近年來資訊科技的蓬勃發展,以及網際網路的興起,以往傳統公文製作、編輯及傳遞等方式將被澈底的改變。空軍雖然也因應此潮流推動電子公文系統,但是推動的成效卻仍有待提昇。因此本研究試圖瞭解電子公文系統使用之現況,並探討影響電子公文實施成效的主要因素,以期能對空軍推動電子公文有所助益。本研究採用延伸式科技接受模式,加入主觀規範及知覺風險來進一步檢視其對電子公文系統的使用行為之意向。首先,蒐集電子公文系統相關之文獻資料,探討目前發展現況與趨勢。接著,以問卷調查及焦點團體法進行探究。本研究選擇樣本背景之同質性較高的空軍官兵進行問卷調查,並著眼於一年以上電子公文系統使用經驗者進行抽樣,運用IBM SPSS及AMOS 20.0統計軟體進行分析與模式驗證,試圖探討空軍官兵對電子公文系統之使用者需求與其使用行為間的關係。 本研究發現電子公文系統之「主觀規範」正向影響「知覺風險、知覺有用性、使用意圖」,「知覺風險」負向影響「知覺有用性、使用意圖」,「知覺有用性」正向影響「知覺易用性、使用意圖」,因此空軍官兵對電子公文系統的信任感,可透過上級長官的指示與倡導電子公文系統使用的必要性,能有效降低風險認知,提高對系統的信心程度,進而增強使用意圖。另外提高電子公文系統的資訊安全性,可提高對系統的信心及使用意願,而人性化、簡單易懂的操作介面,讓使用者感到易於使用,亦有助於增加使用意願。最後,根據本研究結果可以得知,影響電子公文系統使用的關鍵因素,並分別給予空軍系統設計者、政府(國防部)及後續研究者提供相關具體建議。Electronic document system (EDS) is an important constituent of the e-Government project in Taiwan. In an EDS setting, the process of document exchange, including the making, editing, and transferring of document, is performed by utilizing information technology and through the Internet. EDS is expected to shorten workflow and increase efficiency. However, these objectives are not fully attained in Headquarter of Air Force. This research aims to identify key factors that affect the successful implementation of EDS in Headquarter of Air Force. The authors start from illustrating how EDS the current status and trends. The evidences derived from the previous studies are then reviewed and summarized. Finally, an empirical study is presented. The questionnaire and focus group method are adopted as tools to collect information. A representative sample of Headquarter of Air Force who were use of more than one year experience in the electronic document system and further descriptive statistics method by IBM SPSS statistics and AMOS 20.0 statistics software are utilized to analyze the data. The main findings are as followings: (1) “subjective norm” has most positively influential effect in “perceived risk”, “perceived usefulness” and “behavioral intention to use”; (2) “perceived risk” has negative influential effect in “perceived usefulness” and “behavioral intention to use”; (3) “perceived usefulness” has most positively influential effect in “perceived ease of use” and “behavioral intention to use”. Therefore, the higher trust and leaders’ support would simultaneously affect the behavioral intention of the users who have experiences on the EDS. Finally, based on the research findings, this study proposed conclusions and suggestions for the related organizations. The implications and limitations possible directions for future research were also discussed at the end.科技接受模式主觀規範知覺風險電子公文系統Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)Subjective NormPerceived RiskElectronic document system (EDS)以科技接受模式探討空軍導入電子公文系統之使用行為Analyzing User Behavior and Effect with TAM on Air Force to Import Electronic Documents System