蔡雅薰Tsai, Ya-Hsun詹小慧Chan, Shiao-hui2022-06-082021-06-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/31aaddc7f370362e3d94d142faab2b97/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116617本研究探討桌上遊戲在華語線上文化教學的應用,了解桌上遊戲是否可以融入線上教學,在遊戲式教學中,藉由與同學間的互動及溝通,訓練學習者華語聽力與口說能力,讓學生玩中學、學中玩。近年來桌上遊戲盛行,研究者希望能以兒童學習外語習得理論以及遊戲教與學理念,配合「年夜飯」主題設計的桌上遊戲,讓兒童在自然情境下,學習到過年年夜飯與吉祥話的關聯並互動溝通語言。在遊戲中,引發學習者對第二語言的學習興趣,並達到文化世代傳承的目的,強化學生聽、說能力的華語遊戲教學活動,教學內容結合華語教學與文化教學的課程設計。本研究採行動研究法,一共進行三階段教學,準備、練習、實戰。對象以國小學童,資料分析以問卷、觀察分析為主,訪問為輔。在每次教學前與教學後,讓學習者填寫測驗及興趣量表問卷並口頭訪問,最後蒐集上述資料進行分析,研究結果發現使用桌遊進行線上教學可提高學生的學習成效及學習動機。並提出教學實務上之教學建議,作為現場教師教學參考。The purpose of this research is to explore the application of board games on Chinese online culture teaching. Students has interaction and communication through game-based learning. In recent years, board games have become popular. In view of this, it is based on the theory of children’s second language acquisition and the concept of learning in games. A board game designed with the theme of"New Year’s Eve dinner" will allow children to learn the connection between New Year’s Eve dinner and auspicious words. To cultivate children’s interest in language by playing games. It also achieves the purpose of inheriting from generation to generation. The Course Design combines with Chinese teaching and Cultural teaching that strengthens students’ listening and speaking skills. This study adopts the action re-search method. There are three stages of teaching for students in the Elementary school. The learners will be given before and after learning achievement test, the learning interest scale survey and oral interviews. At the end, researcher will collect the above data for qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of the study found that using board games for online teaching can improve students' learning effectiveness and motivation. The research suggestions can be used as a reference for teachers.桌上遊戲遊戲教學遊戲學習二語習得Board gamesSecond language acquisitionGame-based teachingGame-based learning桌遊融入華語線上文化教學對兒童學習動機與學習成效之影響The Influence of Board Games Integrated Online Chinese Culture teaching on Students’ Learning Motivation and Achievement專業實務報告(專業實務類)