卓俊伶陳重佑Hank Jun-Ling JwoChung-Yu Chen黃嘉彬Chia-Pin Huang2019-09-052007-7-102019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693300330%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105600摘  要   個體藉感官捕捉外在環境所釋放出有意義之訊息作為行動依據,再透過行動以知覺更多環境線索,此為知覺-行動聯結之過程。本研究以生態手段之直接知覺觀點探討此議題,找尋不同年齡族群於缺口判斷與實際跨越距離之差異情形、影響因子以及主成分類別。本實驗之參與者為21名兒童、18名成人與19名老年人,先測量身高、眼高、腿長、腿部肌力與髖關節柔軟度後進行一循環長度由50公分至130公分之缺口判斷測驗與實際跨越測驗。以3 (年齡) × 2 (跨越情境) 混合設計二因子變異數分析 (two-way ANOVA)、逐步迴歸之方式檢驗判斷跨越與實際跨越是否與個體因子有正相關、以及主成分分析法歸類影響因子之共同特質。結果發現:(一) 兒童族群與老年人族群之判斷跨越與實際跨越距離相對於成年人有顯著差異、(二) 髖關節柔軟度和三族群實際跨越之結果有正相關,另外老年人之判斷跨越和眼高、腿長以及髖關節柔軟度亦有正相關,實際跨越和判斷跨越以及腿部肌力也有正相關、和 (三) 影響三族群之個體因子皆可分成身體肢段參數以及身體適能因素兩大主成分;不同族群之此二主成分累積解釋變異量均高於66%,可良好代表原始變數。結論為:(一) 相較於成人,缺口跨越之知覺-行動聯結準確度在兒童與老年人時期較低、(二) 髖關節柔軟度是兒童、成人以及老年人實際跨越距離之相關因子;眼高、腿長以及髖關節柔軟度亦是老年人判斷跨越之相關因子;判斷跨越以及腿部肌力也是老年人實際跨越之相關因子、和 (三) 影響兒童、成人以及老年人之相關因素皆可歸類為身體肢段參數以及身體適能因素兩大特質。Abstract   Individuals catch up the relevant information which released from the external environment through their sense organs for action, and also get more information then before from the extrinsic environment by action. That is the coupling between perception and action. There were 22 children, 18 adults and 19 old people joined in this experiment. The body height, eye-height, leg length, leg strength, and the range of motion in hip were measured before the judge and actual crossing test. All the participants were asked to perform one round judge and another round actual crossing, the gap increased five centimeters trial by trial. 3 (age) × 2 (crossing) mixed design two-way ANOVA, stepwise regression and principal component analysis were used to examine the perception-action coupling ability, correlation between crossing and individual factors, and same qualities that to be categorized. The results showed that: The diversity between judge and actual crossing in children and old people were higher than adults. The range of motion in hip as the predict parameter of actual gap crossing in these three ages were validity. The eye height and leg length were also positively correlated to old peoples’ judged gap crossing; the perceptual result and the leg strength were also positively correlated to actual gap crossing, and all of the predictors can be categorized into two major portions. It means that individuals can judge the environment not only by body-scaled ratio, but also physical fitness factors such as hip flexibility and leg strength. The cumulative explained variances surpasses 66% in three ages, it means the variance was effective to explain original scores. The conclusions were: (1) Children and old people have lower perception-action coupling ability than adults, (2) The range of motion in hip can be the predictor of actual crossing in each age group. The eye height, leg length and range of motion in hip can also be the predictors of judged crossing for old people. Judged crossing result and leg strength were the predictors of actual crossing in old people, and (3) all the predictors can be categorized into two portions, body scaled ratio and physical fitness factors.直接知覺環境賦使缺口跨越年齡差異direct perceptionaffordancegap crossingage differences知覺缺口跨越之環境賦使: 準確度、預測因子與年齡效應Perceiving affordances for gap crossing: Accuracy, predictors, and age effect