林育瑋劉凱瑋2019-08-282009-2-52019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695060166%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87017研究者對個人未來生涯選擇之遲疑,與觀察到同儕們於幼教職場中的現況後,興起探討幼教教師生涯的想法。由於近年來幼教教師面對公幼教職缺額少、私幼工作環境不佳等問題,可能影響其任教意願,但也發現不少幼教教師仍致力於幼教工作,因此哪些因素影響了合格幼教教師的生涯選擇是本研究關注的焦點。 每個人的生涯是由許多選擇所交織的結果,而每一次選擇都可能影響後續發展,因此本研究從合格幼教教師踏入幼教的原因開始探究,了解他們選擇修習教育學程、從事教職或離開教職原因,以了解合格幼教教師過去的生涯歷程如何促成了現在的發展。 目前探討幼教師資生的生涯選擇,以幼教系畢業生為對象,但缺乏一般大學合格幼教教師生涯選擇之研究。因此本研究以深度訪談、文件資料蒐集方式,探討一般大學修習幼教學程畢業生,取得合格教師資格後的生涯狀況及影響其生涯選擇的相關因素,研究結果如下: 1.一般大學合格幼教教師因師培階段前的背景,以及後來經歷職場之不 同,使其生涯發展呈現不同面貌,生涯選擇對個人意義也不一樣。合格幼教教師大致由探索就業方向逐步邁向特定的就業選擇。 2.一般大學合格幼教教師生涯選擇之影響因素 (1)合格幼教教師受家人、個人興趣與價值、工作經驗等因素影響而進入幼教學程。 (2)取得合格教師資格後,合格幼教教師並非因單一因素離開幼教行業或異動園所,此外先前的工作經驗也影響後續的就業選擇。合格幼教教師要能在就業環境中穩定發展,除了受個人興趣、理念、能力影響外,整體環境是否能提供適配的條件亦帶來影響,因此其就業選擇是個人與環境因素交互作用之結果。 關鍵字:生涯選擇、幼教教師My motivation to this research derives from my curiosity about direction of my career choices. At present, the environment for childhood development is not mature in Taiwan and there are only few job vacancies in public kindergartens. Besides, the salaries for those teachers in private kindergartens normally fail to meet the general expectation and so does the working environment. Even though those factors might have negative effect on the career choice, there are still lots of teachers who make their best efforts to contribute to education. The objective of this research is to inquire certified kindergarten teachers career choices and the factors that affect them to make career decisions. Although there have been some studies on the subject of career choices, most of them focus on the career choices of those teachers graduating from the Department of Early Childhood Education in Universities of Education, and only a few focus on the career choices of Those certified kindergarten teachers who graduated from universities with kindergarten teacher education program. In my research, I have interviewed four kindergarten teachers who graduated from universities with kindergarten teacher education program. I have collected documents in order to understand their experiences in career choices. With these data, I am trying to find out possible explanations for their motivations to take the kindergarten teacher education program, and their present working status. The results of this research are: 1.The career choices of certified kindergarten teachers who graduated from university with kindergarten teacher education program are different from each other. Their career paths are influenced by their varied experiences before taking the kindergarten teacher education program and their proceeding working experiences. As a result, the career choices have different meanings for each of them. 2.The factors that influence certified kindergarten teachers who graduated from university with kindergarten teacher education program about the career choice are: (1)Family member, individual interests, working experiences before entering the program are the factors that influence certified kindergarten teachers to attend the kindergarten teacher education program. (2)In working periods, there are many factors that cause them to change their jobs or move to other kindergartens. In order to continue growing in labor market, certified kindergarten teachers have to maintain their interests, education belief, and professional abilities. At the same time, the working environment that provides suitable conditions is also crucial for the career development of certified kindergarten teachers. Keyword: career choices, kindergarten teacher生涯選擇幼教教師career choiceskindergarten teacher一般大學合格幼教教師生涯選擇之研究The Career Choice of Certified Kindergarten Teachers Who were Graduated from Universities with Kindergarten Teacher Education Program