王雅玄2019-08-122019-08-122005-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82098在課程研究中,教科書分析的方法論是一個空缺的領域。本研究回顧教科書分析所使用的方法,予以優劣評估,發現社會領域教科書需要批判性的方法論,以作為檢視教科書政治與意識型態之工具。立基於批判論述分析,本研究擬重建教科書分析方法論,並建構出一個社會領域教科書的批判論述分析架構。目的有三:(1)評析社會領域教科書分析的方法論;(2)闡述批判論述分析的典範與內涵;(3)發展一個批判論述分析的社會領域教科書分析架構。此架構含三階段:知識論的選擇、方法論的處置、論述的引出;係以批判語言學為基礎,試圖回答問題為:教科書在語言上如何稱呼不同類別的群體?如何描述各群體的特徵、屬性與品質?使用哪些策略來合法化不同群體或給予不同的價值(排斥、歧視、壓抑或剝削)?關於課程文本中不同群體使用的名稱與描述,哪些不同的觀點被表達出來?如何強化或弱化這些不同觀點?There is virtually no methodology for social studies textbook analysis. Critically reviewing the methods used in examining social studies textbooks, the author argues that Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) can serve as a critical methodology for textbook analysis by focusing on the complexity of the politics of textbooks and the submerged ideologies behind the texts. Based on the theory of CDA, the author works out an analytical framework for examining textbooks that comprises three stages: epistemological selection, methodological processing, and discourse induction. The goal is to answer the following questions: (1) How are persons in the social studies textbook named and referred to linguistically? (2) What traits, characteristics, qualities and features are attributed to them? (3) By means of what arguments and argumentation schemes do specific persons or social groups try to justify and legitimize the exclusion, discrimination, suppression and exploitation of others? (4) From what perspective are these acts of naming, these attributions and arguments expressed? (5) Are the discriminating utterances articulated overtly? To what degree are they intensified or mitigated?批判論述分析社會領域教科書分析方法論Critical discourse analysisSocial studies textbook analysisMethodology社會領域教科書的批判論述分析Critical Discourse Analysis for Social Studies Textbooks: A Methodological Reconstruction