宋曜廷博士張國恩教授Sung Yao-TingChang KuoEn簡馨瑩Chien HsinYin2019-08-282007-10-302019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0889010028%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91073本文探討八位資深國小教師,在閱讀策略教學專業發展課程的介入後,在教室裡閱讀策略教學的學習表現與改變歷程。本研究促進教師專業成長的策略,是基於建構理論所組織的認知衝突、同儕教練與建模策略的有效運作。本研究採取混合研究設計(mixed method design)中,同時多重檢驗(concurrent triangulation design)的混合研究設計法。資料蒐集來源包括教師教學錄影與錄音、教師的深度訪談、教師的行動研究報告、研究者的札記等。 根據研究結果發現參與教師確實在班上嘗試進行工作坊所提供的閱讀策略教學。從閱讀策略教學專業發展的教學行動面向而言,參與教師的閱讀教學從原本採教師中心、單向式的講述與重視字詞文義的教學取向,在參加閱讀策略教學工作坊後,有些老師重新思考其教學方法與內容,有些老師重新思考其與學生的互動,也有老師並未有大幅度的改變。教師改變對學生學習觀的信念,同時教學目標亦受到專業發展課程的影響而有所改變。 研究結果發現教師在校內教師閱讀工作坊、學生的學習表現、教師的教學實作及教師教學信念等交互循環運作下,改變教師的教學程序,使用學生參與討論互動的教學活動,教學內容從解釋文章內容轉移至指導學生形成大意。但是,教室裡的互動結構仍偏向於「教師啟動、學生回應」的例行教學序列結構。有參與教師在個人認知與同事互動的過程中,經由認知衝突的調適歷程,同儕學習社群的學習觀摩示範,教學實作以及研究者訪談方法的介入,引動參與教師探索的學習動機,從模仿學習中覺察自己的教學問題,再建構教學模式。本研究根據教師學習改變的歷程,歸納在職教師可能的學習理論與修正原有的專業發展的實作方案,本研究發現有助於在職教師專業發展計畫的規劃及實施,設計符合參與者學習特質的專業發展活動。This study aimed at investigating learning performance and changing progress of eight experienced teachers in Taipei city public elementary schools, who employed the professional development curriculum of reading strategy instruction. The strategies to advance teachers’ profession were based on cognitive conflict, peer tutoring and model building composed in constructuralism theory. The research adapted a mixed method design as well as a concurrent triangulation design. Data collection included classroom observations, video and audio taping, in-depth interview with the participating teachers, teachers’ action research reports and research journals. The results indicated that the teachers who took part in this professional development program did have significant improvement on teachers’ pedagogical practice strategies and further on students’ reading performance. From the dimension of teachers instruction, the focus of participating teachers shifted from teacher-centered and single instruction with an emphasis on meanings of individual words or phrases to student-partaken in classroom discussion. The findings of the study demonstrated that under the interaction among workshops of in-school reading strategy instruction, teachers’ pedagogical practice and teaching beliefs, and students learning performance, the teachers did undergo changes on the process of reading strategy instruction. Students started to participate in communicative discussion in classroom activities, and teachers also shifted from content explanation to meaning construction. However, the communicative construct during the class still tended to be initiated by teachers and responded by students. Through adjustments of cognitive conflict of interactions with colleagues, teaching demonstration of peer tutors, pedagogical practice improvement and the in-depth interview with the researcher, the participating teachers were motivated to explore their teaching problems, modify and reconstruct their teaching models. The study induced possible learning theories of on-job teachers and modified the pedagogical practice of the professional development via the changing processes of teachers’ learning. The findings can facilitate on-job teachers to plan and implement professional development program, which has been proved to be able to meet the needs of teachers’ learning characteristics of such programs.教師學習閱讀策略教學認知衝突同儕教練建模歷程teacher learningreading strategy instructioncognition conflictpeer tutoringmodeling國小教師之教學專業發展研究:以閱讀策略教學為例Study on the Professional Development of Reading Strategy Instruction in the Elementary School Teachers