郭靜姿KUO, CHING CHIH張馨仁CHANG, HSIN JEN2019-08-282011-6-12019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892090065%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91919中文摘要 本研究主要探討過度激動特質對學習表現、創造力及心理適應之預測,研究內容分為兩部分。第一部分首先修訂「我的特質量表」以為研究工具,以2211位四年級、六年級、八年級資優生及普通生為受試,探討不同性別、類別、年級受試在本量表之表現。第二部分以1214位八年級資優生及普通生為受試,建立過度激動特質預測組型與效標變項之結構方程模式,檢驗其與實際資料之適配性,最後檢驗所提出之結構方程模式是否具有性別、類別之測量不變性。茲將本研究之結果說明如下: 一、不同性別、類別、年級受試在「我的特質量表」(II)之表現 在性別方面,男生過度激動特質與女生有差異。在類別方面,資優生過度激動特質較普通生明顯,而數理資優生在三類資優生中尤為明顯。在年級方面,八年級學生過度激動特質較四年級、六年級學生明顯。 二、過度激動特質對學習表現、創造力及心理適應之預測能力 在預測學習表現方面,最能正向預測學業成就之過度激動特質為「智能激動」與「完美主義」;最能正向預測學習適應之過度激動特質為「智能激動」及「挑戰」。在預測創造力方面,最能正向預測創造力及創造傾向特質之過度激動特質為「創造力」及「想像力」。在預測心理適應方面,最能正向預測心理適應之過度激動特質為「智能激動」及「同理心」; 最能負向預測心理適應之過度激動特質為「情緒變異性」及「生理激動」。 三、過度激動特質與學習表現、創造力及心理適應之結構方模式及其 測量不變性 本研究所提出之九個結構方程模式其模式基本適合度、整體模式適 合度及內在結構適合度之各項檢驗均顯示理論模式與實際觀察資料之適配度良好,因此九個結構方程模式均可解釋實際觀察資料。九個結構方程模式均具有跨性別、跨類別之測量不變性,因此均可以相同模式解釋不同性別、不同類別之觀察資料。Abstract The main purpose of the research was to develop OE patterns predicting learning performance, creativity, and psychological adjustment. The study contains two parts. In part I, ‘The Me Scale’ was remodeled as ‘The Me Scale II’. There were 2211 gifted and regular graders included as subjects. Their performance on ‘The Me Scale II’ was analyzed by gender, category of giftedness, and grade. Part II was to develop OE patterns which were expected to predict learning performance, creativity, and psychological adjustment. There were 1214 8th gifted and regular graders included. As the patterns being developed, they were transformed into structural equation models which could confirm the fitness between hypothesized models and sample data. The following multi-group invariance was also tested. Main conclusions are stated as follows: Male students reported different OE patterns from their female counterparts. Gifted and talented students reported stronger OEs than regular students. Among gifted and talented students, mathematically talented students reported the most significant OEs than musically and art talented students did. 6th graders reported the least significant OEs than 4th and 8th graders, while 8th graders reported the most significant OEs among the three groups. The study found that “intellectual” and “perfectionistic” OEs were the most positively predictive OEs on learning performance and that ‘creative’ and ‘imaginative’ OEs were the most positively predictive OEs on creativity. It was also found that ‘intellectual’ and ‘empathetic’ OEs were the most positively predictive OEs on psychological adjustment while ‘physical’ and ‘emotional’ OEs were the most negatively predictive ones. The nine structural equation models constructed in this study fitted well between hypothesized models and sample data, indicating that the nine models could explain the sample data well. Multi-group invariance test also showed that the nine structural equation models could well imply to different gender and groups of gifted and general students, meaning that any single model developed could be inferred to different group of subjects.過度激動學習表現創造力心理適應overexcitibilitylearning performancecreativitypsychological adjustment過度激動特質對於資優生與普通生學習表現、創造力及心理適應之預測研究The study of overexcitibilities predicting learning performance, creativity, and psychological adjustment on gifted and regular students