葉國樑Guo-Liang Ye王榆慧Wang-Yu-Hui2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595051102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87754本研究旨在探討國中生背景因素與身體活動型態和其健康體適能的關係。以九十六學年度就讀於台中縣立光德國民中學之在校學生共1624人為母群體,以分層集束抽樣法進行隨機抽樣。研究工具採結構式問卷,以自填問卷方式收集資料,問卷中身體活動型態部份乃採用國際身體活動量表臺灣青少年自填長版(IPAQ-A)作為評量工具。總共發出426份問卷,有效問卷387份,回收率為90.85%。 資料分析結果如下:(一)身體活動量因性別不同而有顯著差異。(二)除費力時間總和外,其餘的身體活動時間因年級不同而有異。(三)國中男生的肌力、肌耐力、心肺耐力顯著優於女生。(四)高年級的肌耐力、心肺耐力顯著優於低年級。(五)走路時間總和與心肺耐力顯著負相關。(六)久坐時間總和與BMI、肌力、心肺耐力顯著負相關。(七)久坐時間總和能顯著預測肌力、心肺耐力。(八)走路時間總和能顯著預測心肺耐力。 根據研究結果,國中學生日常生活的身體活動量較少,且偏向坐式生活形態者,其體適能表現均呈現較差情形。This research were to discuss the relationships among background factors, physical activity style, and health-related physical fitness of junior high students. The sample population of the total 1624 students under the enrollment in the 96th academic year were the students of Guang De Junior High school at Taichung county. The research sample was required by the stratified random sampling. Research tools adopted a structured questionnaire, and the physical activity style was measured by International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Adolescence in Taiwan-Long form self-administration(IPAQ-A) as to evaluate tool. The research had send out 426 questionnaires, and the effective questionnaires were 387. The results of the research were as follows(1) The gender of the subjects had a significant effect on physical activity.(2)Besides the total strenuous time, other physical activity time had a significant difference because of different grade.(3)The strength, endurance and cardiovascular endurance of the junior male students were significantly better than those of the junior female students.(4) The endurance and cardiovascular endurance of the high grade students were significantly better than those of the lower grade students.(5) The total of walking time had significantly negative correlation with cardiovascular endurance.(6)The total of sitting time had significantly negative correlation with BMI, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance.(7) The total of sitting time could significantly predict the variance of the strength, endurance and cardiovascular endurance.(8)The total of walking time could significantly predict the variance of cardiovascular endurance. According to the research results, the junior high students had less physical activity of daily life, and the students of tending to sedentary Life-Style showed their physical fitness performance being worse.坐式生活型態身體活動量健康體適能Sedentary Life-stylephysical activityHealth-related physical fitness國中生身體活動型態與健康體適能之相關研究-以台中縣某國中為例The relationship between physical activity style and Health-related physical fitness of junior high students-A case study on one junior high school of Taichung county.