周麗端Chou, Li-Tuan陳玟君Chen, Wen-Chun2023-12-082023-08-172023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/58a92e86574c42109d6d94ec0c3afda6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119157本研究目的在發展國中生適用於國中生之「高齡教育課程」,並探討高齡教育課程之實施對國中生尊老素養(即老化知識、尊老態度與尊老行為)改變之成效。本研究以重理解的課程設計(UbD)理念發展系列性「高齡教育課程」,採實驗研究法,以國中階段四個班級為研究對象,分為實驗組與對照組(n=100)接受6週6堂45分鐘課程。在課程介入前、後分別對實驗組與對照組進行前、後測,介入後三週再對實驗組進行追蹤測,以瞭解高齡教育課程介入之教學成效與延宕效果之量化資料。在實驗中,同時使用「尊老素養量表」、「課程學習單」與「課堂觀察紀錄表」,蒐集質性資料。研究結果所示如下:一、適用於國中生之「高齡教育課程」課程架構與內容,為利用UbD設計理念之系列性六週課程。二、高齡教育課程對「實驗組」與「對照組」於尊老素養有提升成效。(一)高齡教育課程介入後,「實驗組」班級之尊老素養顯著高於「對照組」班級。(二)高齡教育課程對「實驗組」班級於「尊老素養」有正向顯著的立即成效。(三)「實驗組」在實施課程三週延宕後,「尊老素養」仍維持顯著效果。三、「實驗組」學生在課程學習單部分,有明顯的尊老素養提升。(一)認識超高齡社會概況後,在尊老態度與尊老行為上的成長。(二)認識高齡者之生理需求後,在尊老態度與尊老行為上的成長。(三)認識高齡者之陪伴與支持需求後,生在尊老態度與尊老行為上的成長。最後依據研究結論,針對國中生之尊老素養、高齡教育課程之規劃與推動與未來研究等三方面提出具體建議,以供相關課程規劃之參考。The purpose of this study is to develop an"Elderly Education Curriculum" suitable for junior high school students and explore the effectiveness of implementing the curriculum on changing junior high school students' respect competency towards elderly individuals (i.e., aging knowledge, attitudes towards the elderly, and behaviors towards the elderly). Using the Understanding by Design (UbD) concept, a series of "Elderly Education Curriculum" was developed. The study employed an experimental research design, with four junior high schoolclasses as the research subjects, divided into an experimental group and a control group (n=100). Both groups received a 6-week, 6-session, 45-minute curriculum. Pre-test and post-test assessments were conducted for both groups before and after the curriculum intervention, and a follow-up test was administered to the experimental group three weeks after the intervention to examine the quantitative data on the instructional effectiveness and delayed effects of the elderly education curriculum. Additionally, qualitative data were collected using the" Respect Competency Towards the Elderly Scale," "Curriculum Learning Sheets," and "Classroom Observation Record Sheets. "The research findings are as follows: I. The curriculum structure and content of the "Elderly Education Curriculum" designed for junior high school students were developed as a six-week series of courses based on the UbD design philosophy. II. The curriculum had a positive effect on improving elderly respect competency in the "experimental group" then the "control group." (a)After the intervention of the elderly education curriculum, the elderly respect competency of the"experimental group" were significantly higher than those of the "control group." (b) The elderly education curriculum had an immediate positive effect on the elderly respect competency of the "experimental group." (c) The significant effect on elderly respect competency for the "experimental group" was maintained after a three-week delay following the implementation of the curriculum. III. Students in the "experimental group" showed significant improvement in elderly respect competency in certain aspects of the course learning sheets.(a) Growth in respect for the elderly attitudes and behaviors after gaining an understanding of the super-aged society.(b) Growth in respect for the elderly attitudes and behaviors after understanding the physiological needs of the elderly.(c) Growth in respect for the elderly attitudes and behaviors after understanding the companionship and support needs of the elderly.Based on the research conclusions, specific suggestions are provided in three aspects:respect competency for the elderly in junior high school students, planning and promotion of elderly education curriculum, and future research, to serve as a reference for relevant curriculum planning.高齡教育課程國中生尊老素養重理解的課程設計Elderly Education CurriculumJunior High School StudentsRespect Competency for the ElderlyUnderstanding by Design (UbD)高齡教育課程對國中生尊老素養之影響The Influence of Aging Education Courses on Teenagers’ Respect Competency for the Elderlyetd