陳秉華 博士郭雅美2019-08-282009-7-282019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592012001%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90742本研究主要在於探討認知行為取向團體輔導方案,對於高憂鬱指數高中生之輔導效果。本研究針對台北縣某都會型完全中學高一和高二男女學生共739人,以「青少年憂鬱情緒自我檢視表」和「個人信念量表」作為篩選和評量工具,選取在「青少年憂鬱情緒自我檢視表」的得分12分以上,且「個人信念量表」的得分高於平均數一個標準差以上者,隨機分派7人到實驗組,10人到控制組。研究者運用認知行為取向為基礎,進行每週一次,每次50分鐘,連續8次之團體輔導,由研究者擔任團體領導者。本研究採等組前後測實驗設計,於實驗處理前兩週,對實驗組和控制組進行「青少年憂鬱情緒自我檢視表」和「個人信念量表」之得分作為前測分數,於實驗處理結束一週內,進行上述兩項測驗之得分作為後測分數,實驗結束六週後,以上述兩項測驗之得分作為延宕測分數,資料分析則採用「單因子共變數分析」進行統計考驗。 研究結果如下:認知行為取向團體輔導方案,對實驗組和控制組在「青少年憂鬱情緒自我檢視表」與「個人信念量表」後測之得分,沒有顯著差異;認知行為取向團體輔導方案,對實驗組和控制組在「青少年憂鬱情緒自我檢視表」與「個人信念量表」延宕測之得分,沒有顯著差異;根據實驗組成員之意見回饋發現,他們對認知行為取向團體輔導方案參與度高,且認為在腹式呼吸法、自我暗示法和肌肉放鬆法等放鬆技巧的學習收穫最大,但對非理性信念駁斥技巧的學習仍待更多的練習。最後本研究根據以上之結果,對高中輔導工作者,將來從事類似團體輔導活動或研究,提出幾點建議。The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of cognitive-behavioral approach group counseling on the students with high depressive index in a senior high school of Taipei country. Total of 739 serior high school students, including boys and girls, were surveyed. Assessing instructments included were the Adolescent Depression Questionnair (ADQ) and Personal Belief Questionnair (PBQ).This research enrolled the students with high depressive index, and then randomly placed 7 persons into the experimental group, and 10 persons into the control group. The researcher took the role of group instructor and data analyzer. The members of experimental group attended eight sessions of cognitive-behavioral approach group counseling once a week, every time 50 minutes. The study employed the equivalent groups design method. The pretreatment assessment was conducted two weeks before the start of the first treatment session, and the posttreatment assessment was conducted in a week after the final treatment session. The follow-up assessment was conducted six weeks later. All data was analyzed by using analysis of covariate (ANCOVA). The main results of this study were as follows: (1) There was no significant difference on the score of posttreatment assessment by ADQ and PBQ between the experimental group and the control group. That is, the cognitive-behavioral approach group counseling didn’t have the posttreatment assessment enhancing effects on the depressive students of the experimental group. (2) There was no significant difference on the score of follow-up assessment by ADQ and PBQ between the experimental group and the control group. That is, the cognitive-behavioral approach group counseling didn’t have the long-term enhancing effects on the depressive students of the experimental group. (3) Based on the feedback opinions by the students of experimental group, we found that the degree of participatation in the cognitive-behavioral approach group counseling is high. They were satisfied with the outcome of learning in the relaxation training of abdominal breathing, self-suggestion, and muscle relaxation.They need more practices to the techniques of irrational beliefs conviction. Finally, according to the conclusion of this study, the researcher provided some suggestions for conducting the similar cognitive-behavioral approach group counseling and for the studies on the depressed adolescents of senior high schools in the future.認知行為取向團體輔導青少年憂鬱非理性信念放鬆訓練Cognitive-behavioral approach group counselingAdolescent depressionIrrational beliefsRelaxation training運用認知行為取向團體輔導方案對高憂鬱指數高中生的輔導效果研究